Monday, February 26, 2007

Duck and Cover: We're Under Attack

The 2008 presidential comedy lineup is looking good. We already have the most popular semi-black candidate, even less frightening to white people than Colin Powell, and the family values heir apparent wife of an ex-president. Hey, if the Bush and Kennedy clans can reign supreme as democracy’s royal families why not the blue-state-talk-red-state-values clique? Join them with a senator who conducts a gas attack on his own people every time he opens his mouth and things are looking hysterical if unfortunately homicidal as well.

It can only get better, for laughs, and worse, for our future. The other wing of the ruling party has its own hysteria factor, with leaders of the pack running from an ex-war criminal who now loves war to the alleged hero of 911, said heroism amounting to appearing on TV to ask people not to immediately leave New York, if not the USA. While most of this sorry crew have already taken their shows to AIPAC, the jewish lobby in America , they will likely pay a mass visit to Israel soon if they haven't already. Just so that everyone can know what is most important to would be presidents of the USA. It seems they have to leave the White House , like Jimmy Carter, before they can even hint at the truth about Palestine.

And as feverish rhetoric about an Iranian threat even less believable than the wretched lies about Iraq,moves us closer to supporting the Israeli loonies in attacking that nation if not carrying on that idiocy ourselves, we’re seeing a revival of the cowardly criticism that failed to keep us out of Iraq.

Hardly a word can be spoken in opposition to this dementia about an Iranian threat without the speaker including a disclaimer which mentions what a terrible man Ahmadinejad is, especially in his expressing doubts about everything we are told about the holocaust story. The label “holocaust denier” is placed on the Iranian leader because his nation dared to support a conference which allowed open questioning of the tragic facts and figures of an event which has been the rationale for brutalizing a people who played no role in creating its reality; nor any of the mythology that follows every disaster but is deemed criminal to mention about this one.

The alleged denial of past events is not the problem; provable denial of present events is. While people like Ernest Zundel and Germar Rudolph, who have hurt nothing but some people’s feelings, are put in jail for questioning aspects of the holocaust story, no one in our government has yet been thrown into a cell over the traitorous deceit that got us into the Iraq war, killed more than three thousand Americans and a vastly larger and still unknown number of Iraqis. And the even bigger lies about Iran that promise more bloody insanity than our most recent destruction of a nation that never did anything to hurt us. Where does this end?

Certainly not among the sorry lot of political pimps who make the American Idol contestants look good by comparison. In fact, we might be better off if the country were run by some of the subjects our media mind managers dub newsworthy topics . Do we need a woman president? How about Brittany Spears ? A nice, unthreatening to white people, candidate? How about Oprah Winfrey? Get a woman and a black in one shot. Hey, millions would watch that state of the union address and even weep and moan at whether she had gained or lost weight since her last appearance. And we could watch Brittany’s hair grow back, with hourly bulletins from breathless media morons anxiously filling us in on what is really important.

Iran? Israel? An increase in the number of poor people in America? The lack of affordable health care in the richest economy in the world? An incredible foreign debt and dangerously increasing credit binge by that same economy? How can such trivial matters stack up against the death of a maligned celebrity whose large breasts and modest brains were the subject of fame, and whose sad life ended only to bring about a more shameful indulgence in ghoulish trivia mongering all over the major media.

Is it any wonder that some can feel blessed at being offered ruling class candidates who seem to be able to dress themselves and speak coherently, even if they can’t think their way through a crossword puzzle? Let alone a global crisis demanding intellect, morality and understanding that is completely beyond any of the politically challenged who vie for leadership in the most disabled rich and powerful country the world has ever known.

Duck and cover. Things may worse before they get better.

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