Monday, August 6, 2007


Martin Bohrman Alive!

Simon Wiesenthal Center Tracks Down Hitler's Private Secretary Posing as ADL chief Abraham Foxman, says assumed identity fomented anti-Semitism "beyond Fuehrer's wildest dreams"

Foxman never existed , proving theories entertained by those who said “this guy can't be real”...

ADL closes doors, bank accounts and phone lines...

Bohrman says obnoxious Foxman character was found believable , thereby proving his innocence.

Israel charges identity genocide

Liberals remain dumb, conservatives stay deaf, rest of congress continues blind...

Southern Poverty Law center begins new fund raising drive to stop Master Race from masquerading as Chosen People.

Dershowitz to prosecute Bohrman and defend Foxman on grounds of diminished capacity and suffering caused by painful confusion over identical last syllable of names

Holocaust industry shares drop ..

Market consumed by hysteria,

Consumers gripped by fear

Bush calls for war on mental terror, anti-Semitism and Jimmy Carter.

Legalienate was able to obtain this brief interview :

Legalienate: How were you able to maintain your disguise?

Bohrman: It wasn't easy, sometimes I tired of being a Nazi, but my best protection was to continually promote Jewish supremacy, which bred the anti-Semitic backlash I live for . . .

Legalienate: Did anyone ever suspect your real identity?

Bohrman: Only once, when I compared Elie Wiesel to Pinocchio.

Legalienate: What's been the general reaction to your "outing"?

Bohrman: Shock, disbelief, hysteria, offers to do a book, movie and TV series, and a Hollywood proposal to nominate me for an Academy Award .

Legalienate: What are your current plans?

Bohrman: I want to found a Holocaust Museum in Mecca.

Legalienate: Anything else?

Bohrman: I’d like to complete my 64th edition of "The New Anti-Semitism."

Legalienate: Any advice for young people?

Bohrman: You can never have enough enemies. Dream big, blame others for your faults, and cash in.

Stay tuned for further details at six, following televised executions of Holocaust Deniers and Barry Bonds


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    The fact about today's fast paced life is that no one has the time or patience to build a lasting relationship. It is even more difficult to maintain an existing relation because of professional and other career related pressures. The only benefit that an individual can get after working so hard is money. So, why not use this money for buying some satisfying experiences.
    [url=]Escort NY[/url] In the last few years, the entire US industry has seen a drastic change - change that has represented more of growth. Girls who are hospitable and who have flair to serve people with the best fun services have been recruited by the New York escort agencies thus satiating every pleasure need of clients. With online presence of the New York agencies, it's been extremely easy for people like you to browse through the listed girls' profiles so as to find out which girl would be able to serve you better. When it comes to enjoying a session with a New York escort girl, a lot of things may come to your mind. Her physical beauty, area of specialization, capability of fulfilling fetishes, friendliness all may play a major role in letting you choose our girl accordingly. Most of the New York escorts agencies feature full information of girls' physical attributes, their hair color, sexual orientation, area of services and even of pricings. So, it's just a completely easy affair to know more about them on their website itself.

    These beautiful Asian escorts are gluts with erotica and they are compatible for giving pleasure and comfort at the utmost level.New York escort service is the main attraction of the place. People from far and near come to experience a perfect adult entertainment. The services they offer are a real pleasure. You can have the pleasure of a total girlfriend like experience you opt for from the plethora of girls. They will lead you for sightseeing or for a date, take a tour of places of your interest, go for a dance party, enjoy sensual services like hot massages, etc. Also, there are some other services like cam to cam chat or phone sex chat, naughty talk and direct physical entertainment facilities. The services offered are of superior level and may vary with different providers. It is crucial for the customers to find the right choice among the various options available. The glamorous and the sexiest young escorts from New York are available in several varieties as desired by the clients. They have their own impressive style that explains a statement about their personality and high-end professionalism. You can take these girls as the most stimulating companion on any tour or social events and functions. The erotic ladies with beauty and glamour can offer a wide range of services especially for the clientele. Clients can enjoy peep shows, erotic dancing, twosome and threesome physical entertainment services, cam to cam erotica, live chat, massage services, etc.

  16. It's just their quality of service and customer friendly attitude that has made them the hottest pick in the entire escort scene today.
    What makes the girls even more popular is their utmost client hospitality. Under any circumstances, they never fail to offer you the most decent services, no matter your place of residence in the city.

    Finding a New York escort girl is a completely easy task. All you need to make an online search about the type of girl you want. Also, you can make a generic search engine research for New York escort girls and come up with the links of the escort service providers in the region. Then by browsing each and every website, you can find the various categories of girls listed.

    Now, traveling for business reasons is quite different from traveling for having a good time. Business travelers have to attend meetings and do all the regular office stuff without being in an actual office. On the other hand a leisure traveler can spend the whole day sitting on a beach or in his hotel's balcony. But one thing is common in both of them and that is both require a good company.

  17. New York girls escort agencies pick their girls very carefully from all the hottest destinations in the world. That's the reason, they have got something special to offer to each and every client.
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    New York escorts of European breeds, Oriental and African origins are available for incall as well as outcall services. Moreover, girls of Latin American countries, Germany, Mediterranean and all other regions are available exclusively for you.
    So, what is the solution? With all this money and success, what are the ways to enjoy sensual pleasures of life without worrying about problems that are part and parcel of any normal relationship? Answer is very simple, using top class escort service is the best way to enjoy the company of beautiful and intelligent women. Though, you have to spend some amount of money, but the experience will be worth every penny.
    Another important thing is quality of service and escorts. If you are spending so much money, you are entitled to get high level of services. Make sure that the girls they are showing in their website really work for them. Maintaining privacy is also very important. Make sure that the agency takes your right of privacy very seriously. For some people privacy is very important. If some information gets out, it can ruin your personal and professional life, especially if you are a married man.

  18. New York girls escort agencies pick their girls very carefully from all the hottest destinations in the world. That's the reason, they have got something special to offer to each and every client.
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    It is not always possible to take friends and relatives along with you, for the sake of having a good company, because everyone is busy in his own life. Most people simply don't have enough time because of their busy life style. Building a relationship needs time and many people in high profile careers don't have enough time to invest in a relationship.
    This is against the ethics of this profession and is actively discouraged by all the escort service providers. For a rich and successful man, using an escort service has become a necessity rather than a desire. Even though they don't have time but still they need girls to satisfy their mental and physical needs. Escort services can fulfill this need by providing them the girl or a woman of their dreams, even if it is for a limited period of time.
    If you like brunette than you will get a brunette girl or a woman. Similarly all body types are available, from busty to a little skinny. Girls will not behave like a typical call girl, simply because they are not call girls. Girls and women employed by escort services are well educated and trained because they have to cater to a very rich clientele, which demands nothing but the best. Experience will be like date but with lots of pleasure involved. Booking a girl is quite easy. Escort will always reach in time. New York escorts and call girls can fulfill all your inner desires and fantasies.

  19. Under any circumstances, they never fail to offer you the most decent services, no matter your place of residence in the city.
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    New York escorts of European breeds, Oriental and African origins are available for incall as well as outcall services. Moreover, girls of Latin American countries, Germany, Mediterranean and all other regions are available exclusively for you.
    Choosing the best personal escort service is not an easy task. Check the previous record of the service provider, there should not be any criminal case registered against the provider. Doing research on the internet and then personally visiting the place is the best way to get all the desired information. Reading client reviews is very important because it gives information about the escort service from the point of view of clients. Going through New York escort directory can also help in making a right decision.
    There are thousands of personal escort service providers in the market today. Everyone claims to be the best. But the fact is that there are only handfuls of top class escort service providers in the market. Be careful before choosing an independent escort. Integrity is a very important factor. Both the escort service provider and escort should have strong professional integrity.

  20. All New York escort agencies now operate online for girls' bookings as well as payments. Isn't it just too great for you?
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    Payment has never been an issue with a New York escort agency. Using the web itself, you can make payment for a New York based escort agency, that too in just minute. All escort websites now integrate safe and secure payment gateway system so as to offer you complete ease in payment processes as well.
    Kisses and touches are not the only pleasures provided by these escorts. Top class escorts are trained to make you happy, both physically and mentally. They are trained in things like massage to make sure that they can help you in attaining complete relaxation. In the company of New York independent escorts, you will feel like you are with a close friend or even a lover, thanks to the professional attitude and the thorough training provided to the girls by these escort services.
    If you like brunette than you will get a brunette girl or a woman. Similarly all body types are available, from busty to a little skinny. Girls will not behave like a typical call girl, simply because they are not call girls. Girls and women employed by escort services are well educated and trained because they have to cater to a very rich clientele, which demands nothing but the best. Experience will be like date but with lots of pleasure involved. Booking a girl is quite easy. Escort will always reach in time. New York escorts and call girls can fulfill all your inner desires and fantasies.

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  22. Escort girls New York are popular among all types of clients.

    New York escorts have changed the entire face of the UK escort industry. Being the most popular city in the entire country, New York offers you an experience of a lifetime to have some quality services with some of the gorgeous ladies on earth. All girls working for an escort agency here offer you 24 x 7 services at the place of your choice.
    New York escorts of European breeds, Oriental and African origins are available for incall as well as outcall services. Moreover, girls of Latin American countries, Germany, Mediterranean and all other regions are available exclusively for you. In the last few years itself, we have seen a terrific growth of these escort agencies with more and more wild girls coming to serve you with whatever you want.

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  23. Now, traveling for business reasons is quite different from traveling for having a good time. Business travelers have to attend meetings and do all the regular office stuff without being in an actual office. On the other hand a leisure traveler can spend the whole day sitting on a beach or in his hotel's balcony. But one thing is common in both of them and that is both require a good company.

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