Sunday, November 22, 2009

Interview with Deborah Lipstatic - "Holocaust Denial is Pervasive, Growing, and Doomed"

November 22, 2009

by Michael K. Smith

New York City -- Speaking from the Bellevue psychiatric ward where she is undergoing evaluation for advanced schizophrenia, Holocaust Confirmer Deborah Lipstatic today declared, "The situation is critical and victory is at hand" in the war on Holocaust heresy.

Lipstatic, Professor of Victimology at Coca Cola University in Atlanta, insisted that Holocaust denial is not a legitimate field of study and entirely worthless intellectually, which, she said, explains why she devotes herself night and day to refuting its claims.

This year marks nine years since historian David Irving lost his libel suit against Lipstatic, who chronicled her battle against him in her book, “Money Can't Buy Love But It Can Buy The Courts - How I Single-Handedly Defeated David Irving With Swarms of Lawyers and Researchers and an Avalanche of Holocaust Industry Cash" (Orthodox Books, 2000).

Legalienate's editors were generously granted a lengthy interview with her on the recently proclaimed Holocaust Obsession Day, which lasts for 24 weeks instead of what Lipstatic called the "stingy" 24 hours of the standard day. Speaking from the isolated back ward where she currently resides, she explained how to make failure look like victory, why freedom requires adherence to a single view, and how Holocaust denial plays a crucial role in forging Jewish identity, especially among Gentiles.

LEGALIENATE: Nine years later, how would you characterize the Irving trial?

LIPSTATIC: It was a resounding victory for the world inside my head. I went head-to-head with the world's leading Holocaust denier and I single-handedly won a judgment stating that historical facts are not to be determined by the courts.

LEGALIENATE: But wasn't that obvious from the beginning?

LIPSTATIC: Not to me it wasn't.

LEGALIENATE: Have you solved the problem of Holocaust denial?

LIPSTATIC: Of course not. But we did provide precise explanations proving that what Deniers say are complete deviations from what we say. We didn't prove what happened, and nobody else better either, but we proved that what they say happened could not possibly have happened if what we say happened, happened. And to quote George Bush the Elder, "what we say, goes."

LEGALIENATE: I see. How do you advise people to deal with Holocaust deniers?

LIPSTATIC: The first way is to see if the facts prove the case: If they say “At this meeting Hitler said X, Y and Z," you can go and check if they changed the date. If they say Hitler said X, Y and Z on a Wednesday, but it was actually a Tuesday, you can be sure you are dealing with lying scum and dismiss their argument.

The second way is deductive reasoning or logic. Deniers will say that the very fact that there are so many survivors proves that the Holocaust couldn't have been as ruthlessly efficient as we say it was, because if the Germans were all-powerful and utterly determined to kill every last Jew, how did more than a million Jews survive?" You counter that by saying that there were a lot of miraculous escapes, because the Jews were plucky and determined and learned to jump off the transport trucks just in the nick of time.

LEGALIENATE: Why weren't they gunned down?

LIPSTATIC: They ran between the bullets.


LIPSTATIC: The third way of refuting Deniers is by citing the facts: If they say, “How do we know there were gas chambers?” you can say, “Let me show you the German plans for gas chambers.” But if they say, "Where is the forensic proof of the gas chambers themselves?" you can reply, "Let me show you Israel's plans to have people like you extradited and put on trial for Holocaust denial." That clinches the argument.

LEGALIENATE: Why don't you debate deniers?

LIPSTATIC: It's like trying to convince a member of the flat earth society that the earth is round. There's no point.

LEGALIENATE: But you can show a flat earther a picture of the round earth. Do you have a picture of a mass gassing chamber?

LIPSTATIC: No, but it wouldn't matter if we did. Deniers are irrational. They think absence of evidence is evidence of absence of evidence. They're completely irrational.

LEGALIENATE: How are they successful then?

LIPSTATIC: The usual way. They confuse people with convoluted explanations that lead nowhere. Remember, Holocaust denial is anti-Semitism, and anti-Semitism is hatred of Israel, and hatred of Israel is anti-Jewish prejudice, and anti-Jewish prejudice is congenital in Gentiles, so it's impossible to eliminate, but we must try to do the impossible because it's ennobling and we owe it to the victims of the Holocaust.

LEGALIENATE: I see. You're sure there's no point in debating your opponents?

LIPSTATIC: If you try to argue with a person who is committed to a completely illogical premise, then you're lost to begin with -- you're already sucked into their world of fantasy.

LEGALIENATE: So, it's like imaginary numbers in mathematics. They don't really exist, can't exist. After all, what's the square root of a negative number?


LEGALIENATE: So math teachers who force kids to study that stuff are nutcases who can't face reality. The kids have ample reason to turn them in.

LIPSTATIC: Right. They're defaming the rational numbers. Have them call the Simon Wiesenthal Center. They have a program to extradite them to Israel to stand trial for numerical anti-Semitism.

LEGALIENATE: How has Holocaust denial changed since your trial and book?

LIPSTATIC: Well, recently we've seen the emergence of both "hard core" and “soft-core” denial. Hard-core denial is saying, "I need forensic evidence of mass gassing chambers before I can believe in them." That's hard core because once you get on the slippery slope of requiring material evidence for your beliefs it becomes addictive and you stop believing just for belief's sake, or because there are Holocaust specials pouring out of the TV twenty-four hours a day, and you start thinking, "Why should I believe in something that no one can show me the material basis of?" The next thing you know you don't believe in UFOs or penis-enlargement, and the entire basis of civilized order collapses.

LEGALIENATE: I'm convinced. And soft-core denial?

LIPSTATIC: Soft-core is more subtle. It's “Why do we have to hear so much about the Holocaust?” Or "Haven't the Jews done anything other than be exterminated in Nazi gas chambers?" The person who makes this kind of remark is gullible, not hateful, so they're worth talking to. Just tell them, "You have to hear constantly about the Holocaust because it's the only historical event that ever had any real importance." But if they don't buy that, brand them an anti-Semite and hound them mercilessly. It's for their own good.

LEGALIENATE: How do you respond to those who compare Nazi treatment of the Jews to Israel's treatment of the Palestinians?

LIPSTATIC: You have to zero in on what genocide is -- you can say, "A genocide is something done to the Jews, never by them, or a lesser genocide done to lesser people, but which is endorsed by Jewish groups to help take heat off of Israel. Like Darfur." The point is that only Jewish suffering counts. Gentiles are thick, so you can't make this point too often.

LEGALIENATE: Is Holocaust denial on the rise?

LIPSTATIC: Definitely. Holocaust denial is pervasive, growing, and doomed. It is incredibly serious that it is taking over, but at the same time utterly trivial and quite meaningless. We must ignore it and crush it - right away.

-----Michael K. Smith is the author of "Portraits of Empire" and "The Madness of King George" (illustrations by Matt Wuerker), both from Common Courage Press. He can be reached at


  1. Interesting Arithmetic - the funny numbers

    Have a look at a typical account by one of the seemingly endless number of survivors: Olga Lengyel’s Five Chimneys: a woman survivor’s true story of Auschwitz (Granada/ Ziff-Davis, 1947, 1972).

    The blurb on the cover of the book quotes the New York Herald-Tribune: "Passionate, tormenting". Albert Einstein, the promoter of the US construction of the bombs used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, is quoted as offering "You have done a real service by letting the ones who are now silent and most forgotten speak."

    According to Lengyel, ‘After June, 1943, the gas chamber was reserved exclusively for Jews and Gypsies.. Three hundred and sixty corpses every half-hour, which was all the time it took to reduce human flesh to ashes, made 720 per hour, or 17,280 corpses per twenty-four hour shift. And the ovens, with murderous efficiency, functioned day and night. However, one must also reckon the death pits, which could destroy another 8,000 cadavers a day. In round numbers, about 24,000 corpses were handled each day. An admirable production record, one that speaks well for German industry.’ (Paperback edition, pp80-81). [No trace of any remains of or in ‘death pits’ has been found.]

    This implies almost 100,000 corpses per four working days, or a million in 40 days, or six million in 240 days (eight months).

    Could this claim be a misprint?

    Kitty Hart, in spite of her name a Jewish survivor born in Poland, fully confirms these figures:

    ‘Working around the clock, the four units together could dispose of about 18,000 bodies every twenty-four hours, while the open pits coped with a further 8,000 in the same period.’ (p 118; Return to Auschwitz - paperback edition by Granada (1981, 1983).

    According to the cover blurb, ‘The subject of the award-winning Yorkshire television documentary of the same name.’ ‘Both engaging and harrowing…an important addition to the growing holocaust literature, very little of which conveys so courageously both the daily torment and the will to survive’ – Martin Gilbert, The Times.

    Martin Gilbert, indefatigable Jewish campaigner on behalf of the ‘Holocaust’ and biographer of Winston Churchill, adds to the rich flavour and makes his own numerical claims, certainly not without chutzpah:

    In his book Auschwitz and the Allies (1981) he states

    ‘The deliberate attempt to destroy systematically all of Europe’s Jews was unsuspected in the spring and early summer of 1942: the very period during which it was at its most intense, and during which hundreds of thousands of Jews were being gassed every day at Belzec, Chelmo, Sobibor and Treblinka.’ (p.26).

    If we assume a minimum figure of 200,000 per day, this amounts to say a million a five-day working week, or 6 million in six weeks, and this does not include the truly awe-inspiring claims for Auschwitz put forward by Hart and Lengyel with Gilbert’s blessing.

  2. Elie Wiesel vs Encyclopaedia Britannica

    Wiesel has been one of the most prominent spokesman for the very sizeable group of people known as Holocaust survivors. [According to Norman Finkelstein of the City University of New York in his book The Holocaust Industry published in the year 2000, ‘The Israeli Prime Minister’s office recently put the number of "living Holocaust survivors" at nearly a million’ (p.83)]. Wiesel has chaired the US Holocaust Memorial Council and has been the recipient of a Congressional Gold Medal and Nobel Peace Prize...
    Time Magazine, March 18 1985:

    ‘How had he survived two of the most notorious killing fields [Auschwitz and Buchenwald] of the century? "I will never know" he says. "I was always weak. I never ate. The slightest wind would turn me over. In Buchenwald they sent 10,000 to their deaths every day. I was always in the last hundred near the gate. They stopped. Why?"

    Compare this with Encyclopaedia Britannica (1993), under ‘Buchenwald’:

    "In World War II it held about 20,000 prisoners.. Although there were no gas chambers, hundreds perished monthly through disease, malnutrition, exhaustion, beatings and executions."

  3. The point is that only Jewish suffering counts. Gentiles are thick, so you can't make this point too often.

    How nice. I'm sure Lipstatic will proclaim that statement is not prejudiced in any way at all.

  4. After financing and helping the nazi party come to power and the family's part in all the suffering it brought about to millions and millions of families, how much money did the Bush family have to give to the Jewish community?
    My guess is about as much as he gave to those who died on 9/11, after he gave Bin Laden's own family a nice quiet (shhhhhhhhh) escape when they flew home in Herberts private jet.

    You American's turn away when it comes to pointing at your own masters. Why is that?

  5. The woman is crazy and in the looney bin so why take her the least bit seriously; although she has and can probably still do a ton of mischief.

    What about the millions of Christian White Russians slaughtered by the overwhelmingly and predominately Jew controlled and staffed Bolshevik government in the late teens and twenties of the last century - including by Stalin who tried to hide it but was a Jew.

  6. Quote :-
    LIPSTATIC: The usual way. They confuse people with convoluted explanations that lead nowhere.
    Remember, Holocaust denial is anti-
    Semitism, and anti-Semitism is hatred of Israel, and hatred of Israel is anti-Jewish prejudice, and anti-Jewish prejudice is congenital in Gentiles, so it's impossible to eliminate, but we must try to do the impossible because it's ennobling and we owe it to the victims of the Holocaust.

    I find it unthinkable that you can equate gentiles with holocaust deniers. It shows your bias and hatred for this religion. Of course I suspect this posting will be filtered.

  7. Published by the American Jewish Committee

    Jews In Europe before the war 8,039,608

    Jews in Europe after the war

    About 20% were in Germany 1.6 million before and about 20% or 1.8 million after the war.

    Do the math.

  8. Seems some of you haven't gotten that this is a parody interview...even the name is wrong...on purpose. Her name is Lipstadt.

  9. My problem is what does a fact (The Holocaust) have to be protected by the law. Truth should stand on its own.

  10. truth WILL stand on its own! thats why some beliefs have to be protected by law.

  11. Does this anonymous clown really NOT understand this is irony and not a genuine interview?

    Oh it does hurt to be saddled with morons in the same cause, it truly does. *sigh*

  12. Dear Curt,

    This Smith guy is the funniest writer I've read since I wrote the 'Rabbi Weisbagel ministry' piece last winter for Br, Nathanael's page. Actually he's funnier. But how does 'holocaust denial' humor compare to the story about a rabbi who administers a secret Jewish sacrament to remedy anti-semitism from his one-room ministry in Times Square?
    I hope we hear from him again. Humor is a powerful weapon.

  13. The HolyCo$t (holocaust) is just one huge lie.

    Elie Wiesel states in his book "Night," that when the Germans evacuated Auschwitz, he was given the option of staying at the Auschwitz hospital, with his father registered as a patient, to await the arrival of the Soviets, or to join the evacuation with the "mass-murdering" Nazis to Germany.

    Guess what? Elie Wiesel chose to go to Germany with the "mass-murdering" Nazis.

    Amazing,... eh? Elie Wiesel chose to accompany the "mass-murdering" Nazis on a long journey in the middle of a freezing winter, taking his father with him, rather than wait (with about 7,650 other sick or disabled Jews) for the Soviets to arrive.

    Wiesel's father died because of his choice. The actual quote is:

    "The choice was in our hands. For once we could decide our fate for ourselves. We could both stay in the hospital, where I could, thanks to my doctor, get him (his father) entered as a patient or nurse. Or else we could follow the others. 'Well, what shall we do, father?' He was silent. 'Let's be evacuated with the others,' I told him."

    Isn't it hilarious,... that the Jew Elie Wiesel (whose books repeatedly describe horrendous Nazi "mass-killings" of Jews at Auschwitz) should choose to go with the very same Nazis that had been "mass-killing" his fellow Jews, rather than wait for the Soviets.

    It is fair to ask why the Nazis didn't bother to kill off the 7,650 witnesses to "genocide" they left behind when they evacuated Auschwitz.

    7,650 witnesses to "genocide" just let go by the "mass-murdering" Nazis.

    It is also fair to ask why the Nazis didn't bother to kill off the 60,000 witnesses to "genocide" that they transfered to camps in Germany.

    Another 60,000 witnesses to "genocide" left alive by the "mass-murdering" Nazis.

    It is also fair to ask why the Nazis needed the hospitals at Auschwitz and Monowitz, since they could just kill the Jews who got sick and were unable to work. Of course, killing all Jews who were sick and unable to work, is part of the Jew Auschwitz myth.

    Imagine that, the "mass-murdering" Nazis tried to heal sick Jews. Surely they should have just killed them.

    It is also fair to ask why Elie Wiesel never mentioned any gas-chambers in his memoir, "Night." In his version of the fiction, the Jews were burnt alive in huge pits.

    Then there is the little problem that human bodies don't burn.

    And even then, there is the little problem regarding fires in pits. they tend to go out due to a lack of oxygen.

    And even then, there is the little problem regarding the level of the water-table at Auschwitz. Any pit more than 45 centimeters deep, would fill with water,...

    but why let a few facts get in the way of a good story.

    So, why do people believe in the holocaust, anyway?

    A Quick Proof that the Holocaust Story is a Lie.

    The Jews Declare War on Germany (in 1933).

    Death Certificates issued at Auschwitz.

  14. I see you cannot stand the truth and must censor,... how Jewish of you.

  15. My apologies,... I misread your statement concerning saved comments.

    Think about this,...


    But did you know this:

    In 1990, the Jew HolyCo$t Lie Changed:

    From 1948, till 1990, the Auschwitz subsection of the HolyCo$t fable was:

    Number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz = 3,000,000
    Total Number of people killed at Auschwitz = 4,000,000 (Plaques showing 4,000,000) (Plaques showing 4,000,000)

    From 1990, till the present, the Auschwitz subsection of the HolyCo$t fable has been:

    Number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz = 1,000,000
    Total Number of people killed at Auschwitz = 1,500,000 (Plaques showing 1,500,000) (Plaques showing 1,500,000)

    And,... Check out this Jew Math.

    From 1948, till 1990, the overall number of Jews supposedly killed by the Nazis was 6,000,000

    In 1990, the number of Jews killed at Auschwitz was reduced from 3,000,000 to 1,000,000

    So, you would think that the overall number of Jews killed would also have been reduced to

    6,000,000 - 2,000,000 = 4,000,000

    But not at all,...

    From 1990, till the present, the Jews have continued to claim that the overall number of Jews killed by the Nazis is 6,000,000.

    You see, the LIARS just increased the number of Jews killed outside Auschwitz by 2,000,000. No proof of these 2,000,000 extra deaths, was ever provided.

    You see, for the Jews, any LIE that is believed, is a good LIE.

    Even if the LIE is as stupid as the one I have just pointed out.

    Here are a few of articles that may help explain what happened:


    But did you know this:

    In 1990, the Jew HolyCo$t Lie Changed:

    From 1948, till 1990, the Auschwitz subsection of the HolyCo$t fable was:

    Number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz = 3,000,000
    Total Number of people killed at Auschwitz = 4,000,000

    (Plaques showing 4,000,000) (Plaques showing 4,000,000)

    From 1990, till the present, the Auschwitz subsection of the HolyCo$t fable has been:

    Number of Jews supposedly killed at Auschwitz = 1,000,000
    Total Number of people killed at Auschwitz = 1,500,000 (Plaques showing 1,500,000)
    (Plaques showing 1,500,000)

    And,... Check out this Jew Math.

    From 1948, till 1990, the overall number of Jews supposedly killed by the Nazis was 6,000,000

    In 1990, the number of Jews killed at Auschwitz was reduced from 3,000,000 to 1,000,000

    So, you would think that the overall number of Jews killed would also have been reduced to

    6,000,000 - 2,000,000 = 4,000,000

    But not at all,...

    From 1990, till the present, the Jews have continued to claim that the overall number of Jews killed by the Nazis is 6,000,000.

    You see, the LIARS just increased the number of Jews killed outside Auschwitz by 2,000,000. No proof of these 2,000,000 extra deaths, was ever provided.

    You see, for the Jews, any LIE that is believed, is a good LIE.

    Even if the LIE is as stupid as the one I have just pointed out.

    Here are a few of articles that may help explain what happened:

  17. Governments of Israel, Poland, and Germany, published information refuting holocaust!

    For decades the commemorative plaques at the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland proclaimed that the number of Jews murdered in that camp was 4 million; consequently 2 million must have been murdered elsewhere to arrive at the historic figure of 6 million Jews gassed and cremated by the Nazis.

    In 1990 the Polish government, after years of study and research concluded that the number of Jews murdered in Auschwitz had been exaggerated by the communists who had liberated this concentration camp, and that 1.5 million was a more realistic number. The commemorative plaques were replaced with new ones acknowledging this reduced estimate.

    Subsequently this lower figure was further reduced to a generally accepted number of 1.1 million (as per Wikipidia) for a revised total claim of 3.1 million murdered Jews.

    In 2002 the Israeli government is on record as stating that in the year 2000 about 1.1 million holocaust survivors were still alive.

    In 2005 the German government is on record as stating that it was still paying compensation to about 1.5 million holocaust survivors.

    The conflicting data from Israel and Germany may be averaged: (1.1 m + 1.5 m) / 2 = 1.3 million survivers in 2003, to establish a point half-way between the two data points. That puts the number of survivors at 1.3 million 58 years after liberation of the camps.

    The American Journal of Public Health, Dec. 1949, pg 1582, published the mortality rates for various European countries, varying from a low of 8 per thousand to almost 15 per thousand population. Since the camp survivors had been subjected to deprivations, disease, starvation, physical abuse, freezing cold, medical experiments, etc. it is reasonable to conclude that the camp survivors as a group would have a mortality rate at least at the higher level of 15 per thousand, certainly not less or the claims of deprivations would then sound hollow.

    The mortality rate of 15 per thousand may be applied as a multiplier to the Jewish survivor population as follows: P x .985**58 = 1.3 m, where P is the number of survivors in 1945, .985 is the multiplier for a mortality rate of 15 per thousand, meaning that 1000 people x .985 = (1000 - 15) = 985 people survive after one year. After 58 years the original population will have decreased by .985 raised to the 58th power, ie. .985 x .985 x .985 x .... for 58 terms. Then, solving the equation for P, and using the known information as published by the above governments, the calculation shows that: P = (1.3 m / .985**58) = (1.3 m / .416) = 3.124 million survivors in 1945, ie. slightly more than the number claimed as murdered.

    As author and professor Norman Finkelstein so aptly put it in his book: "With all these holocaust survivors, who did the Nazis kill"? Now we know: NOT ONE, as affirmed by those questioning the veracity of the premise of the holocaust.


  18. 60,000,000 Million human beings
    of all color,creed, and religions died in world war two. Obviously,
    this obsession with the holocaust
    calls into question what really
    happened. The jews have exploited
    this ... and have created an industry out of their own suffering.
    the same suffering ..that they are inflicting on the Palestinians.

  19. This blog is a load of old twaddle.

  20. Why don't you deluded HolyCo$t believers check out the Jew David Cole's video on Auschwitz at: (88MB) (82MB) (101MB)

    He gets Dr. Franciszek Piper, the director of the Auschwitz State Museum, to admit that the so called "gas-chamber" was constructed by the Soviets after the war.

    His photos of the Auschwitz swimming pool & brothel (for inmates) are sorta cool.

    Most of the so called "gas-chambers" at the camps are just ordinary rooms,... you know,... some with glass windows, all but one with ordinary doors without seals, sometimes with open key and peep holes. Many of these "gas-chamber" doors, also open from the inside.

    The one "gas-chamber" that was like a real gas-chamber, was at Dachau, but no historian (including the Jew historians) claims that anyone was gassed at Dachau (any more). The gas-chamber at Dachau was actually used for disinfecting clothing.

    Here is more from the Jews David Cole and Ernst Zündel concerning the HolyCo$t hoax:

    David Cole and Ernst Zündel at Auschwitz (15MB) part 1 (21MB) part 2 (19MB) part 3

    Part 2 includes a discussion and video of the Auschwitz swimming pool.

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