Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Humanity vs Insanity

Whenever there is a crisis in the system’s stability ruling power often reacts in a disarray approaching panic but the numerous crises of the present moment bring with them an even more serious situation. It warrants aroused action from a unified and informed population but so far we are only aroused. We need to become less divided and more informed before matters already far from our control become completely beyond the illusion of democracy many think we already have.

The drums of war beat loudly and not just for the ongoing brutality in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan . Changing the label on those mass murders from one idiotic brand name to another seems the only difference between the deranged policies of the last regime and their demented continuation by the new one. But the unrelenting drive to war against the revolutionary Islamic government in Iran has taken a more frenzied tone . The irrational charges against that nation and its president and the cynical use of movements for civil liberties within it are becoming far more deadly.

Mind managers are maneuvering the American people into an insane fear of attack from a nuclear weapons powered Iran despite no such evidence in the material world. The only reliable information questions the motives and mental health of those creating this diabolical disinformation . Many have already forgotten the supposed menace represented by Iraq which existed only in the twisted minds of the war party in Washington and its dominating caucus representing Israel .

We have not finished our devastation of Iraq as we further it in Afghanistan and extend it into Pakistan, but that does not yet satisfy a paranoid military-religious-psycho cult that finds itself surrounded by enemies, mostly where it creates them. The cult’s development of ever more fiendish weapons with which to destroy and torture its adversaries is accompanied by its hysterical screaming about adversaries allegedly poised to terrorize and invade it : in other words, do to us exactly what we are doing to them.

A frustrated public understands that government is squandering its tax dollars on wanton waste and the bribing of rich minorities, but it’s so confused that describing its behavior as people on the sinking Titanic rearranging the deck chairs would be an understatement. It’s as though some passengers plead the new captain be given more time to find the hole where the water is entering with the rest near hysteria over the exorbitant room rates while the owners of the crippled ship buy more drone missiles and poison gas to ward off pending attack from terrorist penguins . But it isn’t funny.

Many Americans and a substantial number of Iranians have been led to believe an election decisively won by Ahmadinejad was actually stolen , this based on the evidence of wishful thinking, blatant lies and possible treason. A genuine movement for civil liberties in that nation has been deformed by the USA and Israel into an alleged counter revolution and sometimes instigated to act as a traitorous force within the country. When the American government and media howl about injustice in Iran after they censured any criticism of Israel’s mass brutality in Gaza they make vultures vomit and jackals gag. The normal noxious garbage flow from corporate government and its media stenographers has become so hazardous that we need to clear the political air before we are smothered by this mass attack of toxic mental pollution.

Recurring stories about Iran’s alleged pursuit of nuclear weapons mostly come from an Israeli network of undercover operatives and an intelligence apparatus that reaches deeply into our government. Why does Israel want to hurt Iran and especially Ahmadinejad? Alone among world leaders he has been outspoken in calling for justice in Palestine, highlighting the suffering of its people and the maddening hypocrisy in making Palestinians pay for a European crime. Meanwhile the USA, still smarting over losing its puppet ruler in the 1979 revolution , continues vindictively attempting to destroy the Islamic regime. It is the threat of imperial collapse more than control of oil that moves America into such easily manipulated desire for destroying Iran’s revolution, but Israel’s hatred is more malevolent and dangerous.

Left to its own bumbling barbarism it might be unlikely that the US would openly attack, but given their possession of nuclear weapons and a tortured cultural narrative of Jews as eternal victims , there is no telling what the Israelis might attempt.

The present danger finds a globally dominant imperial force with power capable of wiping out millions the world over fast losing its control. But the empire and its minions are either in complete denial of material reality or motivated by immaterial beliefs that only their rule and mythology is worthwhile and all others must succumb or be destroyed. If we were confronted by a maniac wielding an ax we’d have a frightening problem, but when that maniac is an empire in possession of nuclear weapons and incredible fire power, all humanity has a terrifying problem.

Democracy, like charity, begins at home but ultimately extends much further than a locality or a nation. It is time for the endangered species - the overwhelming majority of earth’s population - to gain control of the situation before it is too late. The important work of the immediate future involves whether that happens through a truly democratic United Nations controlled by the real global majority, or that majority acting through smaller groups of allied countries and NGOs acting in common interest for global salvation. One thing seems all but certain: If we don't soon remove the barriers that separate us as members of a human race, inhuman forces which profit from their creation may bring them crashing down on all our heads.

Copyright (c) 2010 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.


  1. Thank you, Frank, I so enjoy your analysis and am happy you took the time to put it down on paper, well you know what I mean. I posted it on my facebook page. Keep up the good work, I miss reading from you, so I was happy to read one of your articles again, you know you are one of my favorite writers on this stuff that is going on in our world, so thanks again.

    Blessings, Nana


    To understand what happens in the world, you need to know that

    Bush, Blair, Obama, Putin, Merkel, Sarkozy, Harper, Howard, Rudd and most other leaders are (covert) Jews.

    See for yourself (PHOTOS):

    And while you are looking,... try this 2.2 MB mega-photo of Rabbis and politicians:

    Obama is a JEW. Bush is a JEW. Clinton is a Jew. Reagan most probably was a Jew,...

    In fact, probably every U.S. President has been a (covert) Jew,... even Abraham Lincoln;

    "Brethren, the lamented Abraham Lincoln believed himself to be bone from our bone and flesh from our flesh. He supposed himself to be a descendant of Hebrew parentage. He said so in my presence. And, indeed, he preserved numerous features of the Hebrew race, both in countenance and character." Quote from Rabbi Isaac Wise, Lincoln eulogy delivered at Lodge Street Temple, Cincinnati, on April 19, 1865.

    Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt were both descendants of the Dutch Jewish immigrant Claes Martensen van Rosenvelt.

    Claes Martensen van Rosenvelt changed his name to Nicholas Roosevelt.

    His wife, Jannetje Samuels, also used the names Jannetje Hamel and Jannetje Thomas (I guess Samuels just sounded too Jewish).

    Claes Martensen van Rosenvelt m. Jannetje Samuels
    .Nicholas Roosevelt m. Heyltje Jans Kunst
     .Johannes Roosevelt m. Heyltje Sjoerts
      .Jacobus Roosevelt m. Annetje Bogert
       .James Jacobus Roosevelt m. Maria van Schaak
        .Cornelis Roosevelt m. Margaret Barnhill
         .Theodore Roosevelt m. Martha Bullock
          .THEODORE ROOSEVELT, US President

    Claes Martensen van Rosenvelt m. Jannetje Samuels
    .Nicholas Roosevelt m. Heyltje Jans Kunst
     .Jacobus Roosevelt m. Catharina Hardenbroek
      .Isaac Roosevelt m. Cornelia Hoffman
       .James Roosevelt m. Maria Eliza Walton
        .Isaac Roosevelt m. Mary Rebecca Aspinwall
         .James Roosevelt m. Sara Delano

    The Delano's were Jews from France/Spain.

    "In the distant past my ancestors may have been Jews. All I know about the origin of the Roosevelt family is that they are apparently descended form Claes Martenszen van Roosevelt, who came from Holland." Franklin Delano Roosevelt; The New York Times, March 14, 1935.

    Sarkozy: "Sarkozy's mother was born to the Mallah family, one of the oldest Jewish families of Salonika, Greece."

    Bill Clinton has these obviously Jew names; Moses BAUM; Simpson Green AYERS; Esther Elvira BAUM; Frances Ellen HINES among his grandparents, great-grandparents, etc. Given Clinton's claim that "If Iraq came across the Jordan River, I would grab a rifle and get in the trench and fight and die," (for Jews), etc, etc,.. I think we can safely conclude that Bill Clinton is a Jew.

    It is usual for Jews to own every horse in an electoral race, i.e., every candidate is a (covert) Jew. Examples, are the 2000, 2004, 2008 American elections.

  3. Even Germany and Austria have Jew Presidents/Prime Ministers:

    It is hardly necessary to hide away ones Jew roots at all.

    For example, the Austrian President didn't even bother to change his Jewish name, Heinz-Fischer:

    Here is a photo of him wearing a Jew skullcap at the wailing wall in Jerusalem.

    At least the German Prime Minister changed her Jewish name, Angela Kasner, to Angela Merkel (via a short marriage).

    Kasner, Kastner, Kasztner, Kostiner, Costner, are well-known Jew names.

    It is usual for Jews to own every horse in an electoral race, i.e., every candidate is a (covert) Jew.

    Examples, are the 2000, 2004, 2008 American elections.

    This quote from

    "Blair was born at the Queen Mary Maternity Home[1] in Edinburgh, Scotland on 6 May 1953,[2] the second son of Leo and Hazel Blair (nee Corscadden). Leo Blair, the illegitimate[3] son of two English actors, had been adopted by a Glasgow shipyard worker named James Blair and his wife Mary as a baby. Hazel Corscadden was the daughter of George Corscadden, a butcher and Orangeman who had moved to Glasgow in 1916 but returned to (and later died in) Ballyshannon in 1923, where his wife Sarah Margaret nee Lipsett gave birth to Blair's mother Hazel above her family's grocery shop.[4][5]

    The Lipsett family in Donegal supposedly originated with a German Jewish immigrant to Ireland prior to the 18th century.[14]"

    So wikipedia says that Tony Blair's maternal grandmother was a Jew. Hence, Blair's mother and Blair himself are Jews.

    Think,... if the JEW run wikipedia says Tony Blair is a JEW, then Tony Blair is a JEW.

    You can find out more about Tony Blair's family tree in the reference [14]: Patrick Hanks, editor. (2003). Dictionary of American Family Names.

    In the following video the Jew Stephen Harper (Canadian Prime Minister) gives a speech where he claims to be the foremost champion of the Jewish people.

    Of course, he wears his Jew skullcap while delivering the speech.

    "Do you really think a goyim can preside over a passover seder?
    Because that is what Obama did in his personal White House quarters..."

    Like I said, Obama is a Jew.

    Well, it seems he is not ashamed of it,... putting it on the internet for all to see.

    The Haggadah is written in both Hebrew and English. I wonder which language they are singing the passover hymns in.

    Have a look:

  4. "Mind managers are maneuvering the American people into an insane fear of attack from a nuclear weapons powered Iran despite no such evidence in the material world."

