Tuesday, October 19, 2010

9/11 Bulletin: Nano-Termites, not Nano-Thermite !

 "Such explosions may be explained by prior placement of nanothermite or another suitable explosive in the towers, possibly mixed in paint or fireproofing or embedded in ceiling tiles. Nine scientists reported finding nanothermite (an explosive agent) in the tower dust collected from multiple locations in Manhattan . "

Legalienate’s investigative reporting team  recently interviewed Gunter Von Schmutz, the European scientist who revealed that “nano-thermite” was found in the powdered ruins of the Twin Towers, proving that explosives  had been planted in the buildings prior to the alleged terrorist attack. But further studies and typographical corrections at the Institute Detecting International Operations of Terrorism led to an even more shocking conclusion:

The tracings were actually of laboratory created specially bred steel eating “nano-termites” !

The Legalienate team questioned  Doctor Von Schmutz, from the London Institute of Applied Research, about the many new questions raised by these  astounding theories.

Legalienate: What do these further findings  tell us about the previous work you had done and conclusions you had drawn?

Dr Von Schmutz: Well, as you may know we were working  with scientists from Denmark who had brought some Strawberry Danish into the testing rooms. Some of the residue of the Danish pastry mixed in with the powder from the twin tower ruins and naturally, we thought they were traces of nano-thermite, an explosive which leaves red debris similar to strawberry concentrate such as was used in the danish pastry - which was very tasty, by the way.

Legalienate: So you thought the strawberry was thermite? But then how did you get to the termite conclusion?

Von Schmutz: Well, termites can eat through wood, as we all know, but these specially  bred red termites were laboratory created to  eat steel, such as the columns used in constructing the twin towers and the other building that collapsed that day. We had thought thousands of pounds of nano-thermite would have been necessary to destroy the buildings and it became impossible to arrange a scheme to get that much explosive planted in the buildings without anyone knowing it, unless we could prove that all who worked in or visited the towers were visually, audibly and mentally too disabled to notice, so we naturally came up with a far more understandable conclusion connected to termites.  Several million of the tiny creatures - they were nano-bred, you understand - could be planted by just one agent who could easily carry the few pounds necessary and not be noticed, even by people without any disabilities.

Legalienate: But how and where would that agent  place them so as to get within the steel structure and how long would it take for the termites to eat the steel?

Von Schmutz: We have thought of that and it’s quite simple. The termites were planted within the beams when the buildings were constructed and immediately began their work, which would take years to complete in timing with the 9/11 phony plane crash attack.

Legalienate: You mean the termites were there when the building went up and had been eroding the structure for more than thirty years?

Von Schmutz: Of course, as is obvious to anyone who repeatedly watches replays of the collapsing towers falling into their own footprints in a matter of seconds. Any scientist can tell you such things are not possible without pre-planted termites eroding the superstructure of the buildings, and coordinated with precision timing to wait until the plane crash to finally crumble from within. It’s obvious.

Legalienate: But who, or what, would have planned such an operation some thirty years before it would be completed?

Von Schmutz: Well, as so few seem to understand, we are dealing with forces beyond human comprehension, unless the humans comprehending have scholastic background and credentials from various global correspondence schools which teach “out of the box” thinking. Conventional up-down day-night hot-cold reasoning will not serve in a perplexing dilemma like this one.

Legalienate: But it seemed pretty simple and clear that the hijacked airliners crashed into the towers, started fires stoked by thousands of gallons of jet fuel, weakened the steel beams of the structures, which, in a faster , cheaper and more profitable building technique were  not encased in protective cement, and gradually weakened them to collapse one floor on top of another, walls and windows to shatter and debris to fly out. How can you say that your theory , which seems to defy reason, is correct, and the event  witnessed by millions in real time and by hundreds of millions later on film and video, was a complete fabrication arranged long before the airliners were crashed into the towers?

Von Schmutz: Well, as I said, if you are unable to see the obvious illogical implications of such plots and conspiracies, there really is no use trying to explain them to you in a logical fashion. Had you been educated at the institutions from which those of us chosen to reveal these truths to you were  trained, it might be possible for you to see these things not quite visible to the naked eye or comprehensible to the fully clothed mind . Would you like  a brochure for the London Institute of Applied Research?

Legalienate: No, but thanks. And  now , back to our headquarters. On planet earth.


  1. As a matter of fact, when Richard Gage came to Madrid 2 years ago and made the case for thermite in the Towers, a voice-over for a report on Spanish TV actually said "termites" rather than "thermite." (for those who know Spanish, "termitas" rather than "termita.")

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