Tuesday, August 16, 2011


“Legalienate is easily the most brilliant, insightful and hilarious blog in the internet universe”

The unpaid staff at Saloon.com

“There has never been as original and righteous a site for regressive, reactionary, revolutionary and radical thinkers in my fifteen minutes of experience on the internet”

Multi billionaire investor Warren Buffoon

“Scott and Smith are the Abbott and Costello, the Laurel and Hardy, the Leopold and Loeb of political commentary in this or any other century”

FaceLook Owner Benjamin Netonyoohoo

LEGALIENATE…the story of a meteoric rise from comparative obscurity to complete oblivion enjoyed by the most incredible blog in the history of bloggery…

Soon to be a major Hollywood production from the makers of “Attack of the Vampire Moths” and “ The Real, True, 100% Factual Saga of  911 and the Mossad, Bush, Cheney, Mogen David Conspiracy”…

with Brad Pitt as Mike Smith and Angelina Jolie as Frank Scott…

advance tickets available by sending money to: Legalienate…

just send money, any amount will do…

and support international capital…

and vote for Obama…

and Kiss Your Ass Goodbye…

1 comment:

  1. You have touched my heart with this one.
