Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wiesenthal Center names top 10 anti-Semitic slurs

not from the garlic!

December 13, 2011 

The Palestinian Authority president made the remark at the U.N. General Assembly on Sept. 23.
“I come before you today from the Holy Land, the land of Palestine, the land of divine messages, ascension of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and the birthplace of Jesus Christ peace be upon him, to speak on behalf of the Palestinian people,” he said.

The Wiesenthal Center said it did not consider statements by terrorist organizations, the Iranian government or “the lunatic fringe."

Other remarks that made the Top 10 list included Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's accusation that "hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were killed" by Israel; Christian Dior fashion designer John Galliano's rant about his love of Hitler; and director Lars Von Trier, who said he sympathizes a bit with Hitler and that "Israel is a pain in the ass."

“These 10 examples constitute a fraud alert from people who should know better who have crossed the line,” said Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the Wiesenthal Center.
For the 2012 list, the Wiesenthal Center is collecting suggestions from members of the public at

from the garlic:

Early submissions include:

Mrs Grundy, Herbie Weintraub just farted.

Is that Temple Beth Midler or a White Castle?

If a Jew owns a bank is he a Jewish Banker?

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