Friday, September 7, 2012

Viewer Watches, Lives Through Both Conventions

An average american hired by Legalienate to watch the entire republican and democratic conventions, had this to say at the end of those sur-reality shows:

“It was like watching the dumbest sitcom in the history of tv with the loudest canned laugh track in the history of tv and doing so while lying on a couch soaking with dog and cat piss. It made me feel so american I may enlist in the military, but I’m ninety eight years old so maybe I’ll just volunteer to watch the polls on election day and make sure no blacks or hispanics can vote and that gay couples can vote at least three times each if they can verify that they’ve had an abortion and visited Israel. God bless our democracy.”


  1. I think I know that average American. He/she may be my representative in congress.

  2. I think I know that average American. He/she may be my representative in congress.
