Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bulletins From Legalienate’s Kosher News Bureau


Hagel Agrees To Public Circumcision
Irish Catholic Lobby Approves

“ My political circumcision by committee was not enough to convince friends of my deep passion for Israel so I have agreed to be physically circumcised in front of the entire congress to assure that I will serve their, uh, our interest as Secretary of, uh, what was it…Defense?  Yeah, that’s it…Defense…right?"

Obama To Celebrate Honorary Bar Mitzvah During Visit To Israel

“Let’s see Republicans top that” said Democratic White House Irish Catholic advisor Kevin Mulrooney Goldberg .

Vatican Announces Abe Foxman To Be New Pope

“ Our first Jewish pope should make it clear that we are a very ecumenical church and are not now nor were we ever anti-semitic” said Vatican spokesperson Shamus McLeibowitz.

Anonymous  Source, Possibly Irish Catholic, Accuses Legalienate’s Kosher News Desk of Hate Crimes, Thought Crimes, Child Molesting, Internet Abuse and Indecent Exposure

Stay tuned…and send bail money…


  1. hi see you dont get too many comments just to let you know i read everything, i tried to link your Obama to fellate Netanyahu to the mondoweiss site as it seemed germain to their discussion, they didnt accept the comment, possibly for reasons of national pride, it was polling day, and all things considered its important to hopechange and the big O is the man etc, thanks for the effort i value your work.

  2. No problem. Some articles spark comments, others not. We appreciate comments, but don't consider it a problem if they appear only sporadically.
