Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chavez vs. Obama

"Where Mr. Chavez dedicated (and likely gave) his life to improving the lot of Venezuela’s and the regional South’s poor and building the infrastructure of real economic and political democracy, America’s ‘liberal’ President Barack Obama claimed the right of extra-judicial assassination of the citizenry at his whim while ‘sequestering’ the economic interests of poor and working Americans to bolster the already substantial fortunes of the pirate financiers and industrialists he serves."

-----Rob Urie, "Who Will Stand Up Against the Military-Oil-Banker Mafia?" Counterpunch, March 8-10, 2013

"Obama is the voice of imperialism . . . Obama, mind your own business, devote yourself to your own country, which you have made into a disaster. Devote yourself to governing your country. Now you go looking for votes by attacking Venezuela. Don't be so irresponsible, boy. Clown. Obama, you are a clown. . . . The truth, Obama, you know what you inspire? Pity, you know, you inspire pity. Leave us alone. We are free and never again will be your colony. . . Leave us alone, Obama, let us be. Look for your votes there (in the U.S.), but by obeying the will of the people . . . You are of African heritage, but you are the shame of all African people."

-----Hugo Chavez, December 19, 2011, responding to Obama's criticism of Venezuelan policies

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