Monday, June 17, 2013

Shocking Press Conference ( oooooh! )

After nearly 100,000 deaths alleged in Syria, Obama has put his foot down over 100 killed by chemical weapons…

”We…uh…understand the shooting, bombing, stabbing and…uh…beheadings and hearts cut out and  eaten such…but…uh…the use of chemicals goes against all that Americans stand for ”

When asked if charges that he was a wimp a wuss and a sissy had anything to do with his actions the president said

” Uh…I’ve heard charges made but…uh…my masculinity is not the question here…my leadership of all that America stands for is the…uh…question…or answer, as it may be.”

But did ex-president Clinton demanding that you do something, like establish a no-fly zone on the Lebanese border with Syria have anything to do with your decision?

“My decision had nothing to do with ex-president Clinton’s, or more honestly Mrs. Clinton’s need to establish a closed fly zone in the area of the border of her husbands’ crotch”

(Chorus of “ooooohs” from assembled press stenos)

Should that remark be interpreted as a vote against Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy in 2016?

“ The ticket of Manning and Snowden may be a greater problem for her candidacy…”

( chorus of more “oooooooohhhhs” from press )


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