Friday, September 12, 2014

Decapitation American Style

America’s anti-humanism can cause shock among hyenas, vultures and other creatures that feed on death in accordance with rather than opposition to nature. But as the empire sinks more deeply into the political economic sewage of its own creation, its weaponized psyche grows more malevolent and the behavior pattern more dangerous. The public has to be nearly lobotomized to allow its leadership to perform at such odds with reality. That is almost the case.

Present postures re the Ukraine and ISIS are so idiotic it’s almost impossible not to think a comedy writer is responsible for the foreign policy directives coming from the mental health crisis center we call our central government.

Outside the ruling circles of the USA and its NATO lapdogs most of the world knows that an elected Ukrainian government was removed by an outside organized and financed uprising and replaced by a local billionaire led regime which would better serve western interests. But consciousness controllers in the USA have portrayed a semi-fascist coupe as democratic action while blaming Russia and demonizing Putin for an invasion that never happened.

Russia’s reclaiming of Crimea, followed by a democratic expression of support by a Crimean majority was treated as a return of the Soviet Union, a revival of the Russian empire and Putin’s vision – inspired by very bad comedy writing or very good drugs – to take over Europe, Asia, Disneyland and Home Depot.

The fact that the southeastern Ukraine has a substantial population that not only identifies as Russian but welcomed returning to that nation is unknown to an american public fed news reports from dementia central, abundant celebrity gossip, and an occasional experience of verifiable material reality but only on weekends between one o’clock.

After having been dropped from Russia in an attempted peaceful gesture toward the west, many Crimeans were happy to again become part of what they see as their homeland. But much of the larger western Ukraine identifies with Europe and economics favored by the American satellites of NATO. The U.S and its euro-servants have worked on propagandizing that sector while surrounding Russia with military bases that were never supposed to be there according to post cold-war deals. But each menacing encroachment on its borders has been treated as aggressive action by Russia. Of course. And women keep raping themselves. And black men keep throwing themselves at police bullets.

Americans have to rely on the good sense of a Russian leader who is depicted as a monster by mind managers of the asylum we call a marketplace of ideas. We have to hope he maintains his mental stability while confronting not an individual nut case waving an axe but an imperial regime led by idiots collectively waving weapons of war that are far more menacing.

And another creation of the empire and its Arab flunkies, ISIS, is being treated as a menace to the USA, with consumers of corporate fables led to believe invasion is imminent if we do not stop these fanatics from converting our dogs, cats and identitarian minorities to their Islamic faith. This is not the Colbert Report or SNL but you almost have to laugh to keep from crying. While the warriors of ISIS have made short work of the demoralized armies of unpopular regimes created by the USA, they number at most twenty thousand men and have no air force, navy or mechanization beyond what they capture and confiscate from the weapons armory awarded them by american taxpayers. The average metropolitan police department here is better equipped and, unfortunately a greater threat to americans than this relatively ragtag gang of zealots, however bloody they may seem to people ignorant of the destroyed states, hundreds of thousands of dead and millions of refugees created by the USA in the middle east under the guise of spreading democracy and the homicidal immorality we practice under its name.

Two horrible beheadings have been enough for the deranged in congress and media to warn of pending invasions of the USA that must be stopped lest all of us lose our heads physically, instead of by the almost equally dangerous form our beheadings take:

Watch the news, read the pundits, check antisocial media, and slowly but surely lose your mind.

When people are reduced to seeing the alleged intellectual lackey to Israel who dwells in the half-white house as a serious peaceful counter to the mad dog moronic lackeys to Israel who reside in congress, we have far more than a problem. It is approaching catastrophe.

Professions of national pride and threats to “degrade and destroy” a group that owes its formation, arms and temporary success to American meddling in the middle east are the wailings of a computer nerd trying to sound like a Mafia Don. But the Mafia at its worst was a humanitarian NGO by comparison to the atrocities committed by this crumbling empire.

Just as Israel seems close to going over the edge as its chosen people-above-reproach reputation finally comes under closer global scrutiny, the USA, as its mythological reputation encounters reality, moves closer to a form of deranged master racism that threatens the entire global community. So far the public only seems willing to accept murderous and ultimately useless bombing and not murderous and even more useless invasion. That isn’t much, but for the moment we can hope that full-scale war that could lead to a nuclear confrontation or terrorist retaliation can be avoided.

The greatest threat to America and the world emanates from the ruling minority in the USA. Our ignorance under almost total corporate thought control is understandable but we need to become educated to the need for social transformation before it is too late. The process of democratic action taken by the growing minority who wish to change the entire system of human relations needs to happen before present hypocritical rule creates a warfare capitalist pandemic from which humanity may not recover.