Friday, January 16, 2015

Hypocrites Without Borders


If the stand-up-for-freedom by paying to see a lousy film about Korea wasn’t enough to send you to the vomitorium, the murders in Paris should have done the job. The global 1% is moving us towards more bloody warfare as salvation for capital while growing sectors of the 99% wonder if we can afford to tolerate this madness much longer and hope to survive as a race.

A Hollywood film about murdering the North Korean head of state received negative reaction from North Korea – who could have imagined that? – and became a heroic gesture for freedom when a ban on its showing was rescinded and Hollywood fundamentalists risked life and limb congratulating themselves for having the courage to watch a stupid racist movie. Wow. Is this a great country or what?

But that was light stuff.

Shocking as they were, the horrible murders in Paris could have been anticipated by the attitudes of sophomoric, goading, racist disrespect for Islam taken by the publication which was attacked. This tragedy was immediately transformed into a ceremonial frenzy about freedom of speech forced on decent people who might not know such freedom even if they actually had it. But we can all identify bloody murder when it’s bludgeoned into our skulls by corporate media, its alternative echoes, and an assortment of fringe analysts who find Dick Cheney, Mossad, the Illuminati, the CIA or the Brothers Karamazov at the root of anything and everything that happens behind an all encompassing “false flag” waving over all of our besieged brains.

Given the consciousness control exercised by our corporate mind managers, even mildly critical people can’t be faulted for believing in religion. Whether the accepted opiate is Judeo Christian, Islamic, Buddhist or conspiratorial, its explanations can seem to make more sense than what passes for corporate capital’s political economic gospel.

But the procession of head of state western mass murderers and suppressors of liberty parading under the banner of freedom – a false flag if there ever was one - and mouthing platitudes about humanity united against exactly what they practice every day was enough to get some religious folk to renounce their faith in anything, except maybe the God of Fake Fabric worshipped by the conspiracy church.

Most disgraceful is the complicity of the USA in its training and financing many of these “freedom fighters” who become “terrorists” when they turn their wrath on us instead of the people we hired them to kill. The two who attacked the French publication were once fighting for the American side in trying to destroy the Syrian government as part of a slaughter that has killed some two hundred thousand people and made refugees of hundreds of thousands more. All of these people, like those killed in Paris, were and are innocent of anything more than being unable to stop powerful minorities of state terrorists from destroying their nations. But only some, we are told, deserve our sympathy.

Left out of the story are details that certainly do not rationalize the hideous attack on innocents but put them into a social perspective. Like, this alleged French bastion of satirical freedom of the press once dumped a staff person for allegedly making an anti-Semitic remark. Oh? But it’s okay to insinuate that Islam’s billions are united in trying to destroy the west in all its past glorious profits of colonialism and present glorious profits in pet food and homelessness?

The reductionist hate of professional islamophobics who, since 911, have assumed leadership in shaping what passes for political religious logic in America would have us accept every patronizing simplification that passes for news and nullifies material history. Draw Mohammed as a clown and Muslims as demented monsters anxious to cover our women in cloth instead of cosmetics and run the planet as a caliphate instead of a mall and you can pose as an expert on terrorism on PBS or Fox, a pundit at the NYTimes, even though you’re just a nitwit on the corporate payroll helping to further savage american mentalities.

While millions have been innocently swept up in the massive global trance induced by the corporate attack on critical thought, it is refreshing to see how many have demanded a broader scope in the telling of the story that includes what the provocations might have been and not simply the awful acts committed in a social vacuum, as they are presented. History and social reality do not exist in the major presentation, and its almost as though the killers were having breakfast and decided to murder people instead of taking in a movie, going shopping or attending grad school.

The skeptics who always find hidden assassins, fake identities, subterfuge and intrigue only they can understand are there, as always, but they are accompanied by far more who take a wider view and refuse to be swept up in the panic about terrorists who kill on a small scale while nations murder by the thousands.

This love-in for liberty observes a vicious double standard, as evidenced by the prosecution of a French comedian who dares to speak against the establishment and includes criticism of Israel and the holocaust in his act and is thus judged unworthy of freedom. Perhaps if he’d just viciously slur nearly two billion Muslims for the behavior of a relative handful France would allow him to speak as freely as its complicit butchery in Syria allows?

Look for entrapment of often puzzled youth into planning violence organized with arms supplied by federal agents, numerous arrests of terrorists often set up by those same agents, and continued panic induced among a public generally uninformed as to why there might indeed be hatred for the west among many, especially Muslims who are being singled out in the present war of capital. That system’s history of colonialism, its mass slaughter, enslaving and exploitation of much of the non-european world, and its present status of global crisis bordering on collapse while its ruling minority desperately attempts to salvage what will ruin civilization if it is allowed to continue will not be mentioned by them but must be understood by us. 

Not just Cuba, Bolivia and Venezuela, but all of us.

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