Friday, July 17, 2015

Iran and Humanity vs. the Master Race of Chosen People

The performance of fading imperial power becomes more dangerous with each new crisis it faces, whether real, imagined or the logical outcome of its weakening intellectual and moral foundation which threatens the material structure we call civilization. Even while Greece is being treated with the near economic savagery previously reserved for developing and non-european countries, the attempted step into reality in recognizing Iran’s importance in the world, especially its dominant role in the middle east, is accompanied by enough hypocritical gall and bloody arrogance to make ISIS look very reasonable by comparison.

Having suffered brutal western assault since their Islamic revolution of 1979 which discarded a minority government of European toadies for a more homegrown majority representation of its people, Iran has finally forced the USA, though not its seemingly conjoined-by-dollars twin Israel, to face at least a small part of reality. But this tiny recognition of what most of the world, especially many people in the middle east, already knows is accompanied by a tremendous amount of backlash-to-logic.

The bellowing of both the Israeli leadership and its Knesset Caucus in the USA continues treating Iran as some major threat to humanity and especially settler innocents in a colony of supremacists from Europe who’ve established a homeland in the middle of a Semitic world. But that’s okay because god said it was really theirs, a thousand or two thousand years ago or so. And even if many of those euros are atheists who say they don’t believe in god. Business is business and real estate is a big business, especially when the realtor is a deity.

The appalling arrogance necessary for the only nation to have invented and used nuclear weapons to stand over another and make sure it doesn’t create such a maniacal arsenal is enough to make hyenas and jackals barf as they perform nature’s dictates in eating the dead. But this is on a par with the settler chorus singing hosannas to peace and democracy while it bludgeons Palestinians into bloody colonial victims while its own collection of nuclear death dealing remains secret to all as long as they believe in the easter bunny and the tooth fairy.

The master race is indeed threatened by any rising independent power against its dominance in a world it considers its private market, especially the oil mall in the Middle East. Adherents to The Chosen psycho politics swear that Iran, as eventually the entire world, is intent on genocidal extermination of the Jewish nation. That last has been an ongoing program since biblical times, at least according to a minority interpretation, which could lead one to wonder how there are any people left who call themselves jewish. Given the reality of a near extermination of native people in what became the USA, and with no scriptural or historic evidence of any such plan beyond bloody racist colonial conquest, it may be miraculous that there are still descendants of native people here, though somehow, there are more Jews in the USA than Indians. And that’s without an Indian narrative of a euro-gentile-islamic-jewish conspiracy to annihilate them. Hmmm.

Material reality be damned, the American multi-cultural master race, even as it performs homicidal attacks on its own, is aligned with the never without existential threat chosen nation of Israel, even as it performs daily horror on palestinians in proving its godliness – even to its atheists –in screeching loud and clear the awful threat to humanity posed by Iran.

The most heavily armed nation that spends more money on weapons than any other and maintains foreign military bases in hundreds of countries should be feared, but it is not Iran. Except for those believers in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy, it is the USA. And the most heavily armed military power in the Middle East, including nuclear weapons, is not Iran. Except for believers in the world being created in six days and the 911 conspiracy beginning on the seventh. Yet, this fanatic mindset with no substance in reality and as sensible as what provoked the racist murderer in South Carolina or the race supremacists in Tel Aviv would have it that Iran is a menace that must be contained. And who better to do the containing than the most belligerent, feared and hated countries in the world, asserted so by polling and arrived at by common sense and experience?

Those who espouse these political-economic-religious views do not try to hide the madness between their ears by wearing propeller beanies on their heads, so they are not identifiable simply by sight. They look just like us, even if they exercise infinitely more power than we have as long we allow them to reign under the guise of democracy. But if that up to now fictional theory doesn’t soon become practical reality, the idiocy that is bringing all of us closer to breakdown will not involve an idiot with a gun opening fire in a theater or a church, but maniacs with missiles, drones and nuclear weapons destroying more of the earth and its people than they have ever done before. Iran, like the rest of the world, deserves our respect as a nation and a people. As long as we allow ourselves to be led by disrespectful supremacists, we’ll have only ourselves to blame if or when the worst happens. We should take action before that dreadful day arrives.