Thursday, July 28, 2016


Along with being a nazi racist child abusing misogynistic homophobic anti-semitic fascist Hitler, psycho-neurotic sources newly reveal that the archfiend monster demon is also a spy!!!!

Now that the conventions of both the Brainless Con and Spineless Lib wings of the ruling party are over, the worst campaign for president in American history can officially begin even though it’s actually been in process for months now. The two candidates, gushingly beloved by many and loathsomely despised by most, have already been slinging cancerous mud at one another for some time, but now the putrid atmosphere promises to get even worse. Barf bags ready?

Getting an early start, the neo-liberal high command of America’s electoral sewer introduced a new low to our political toilet by making a sarcastic remark made by Trump into still another incredible charge that makes the anti-communist idiots of the 1950s sound like freethinking liberals by comparison.

After a wikileaks release of party emails revealed the central committee of the democrats were against the insurgent candidacy of Bernie Sanders - who knew? – and were doing all they could to help Her Highness Clinton and harm His Gallness Bernie – who could have imagined? - the counter attack ran that it was evil Russian hackers behind the leak. Booga Booga!

Anyone remember the cold war? The communist menace? The nuclear arms race? Long after those were supposed to have ended and Russia has gone capitalist, they’re still such major moneymakers there are daily reports from consciousness control and central mind management about the dreadful threat of Russians, Putin and the danger to us all if Ukraine falls to the former evil empire. It seems the Ukraine borders right on New Jersey, or Kansas, or Miami, or someplace dangerously close to us here in Disneyland.

Trump has not run with this particular pack of the warfare party, given his personal egotistical arrogance, which somehow balances that of the nation but drives its owner - rulers up the wall because his perverse individualist idiocy often contradicts their degenerate social madness. This has led the sources of real power in america to oppose him, and arrange for supposed “progressive” opponents of entrenched power to not only swallow every tale told about him but worse, to have his sometimes twisted logic further twisted by mind managers to result in an alleged “left” political opposition to entrenched minority power in america operating as front line volunteers for entrenched minority power in america to defeat Trump. With rebels like this we’d still have slavery.

Since Trump has expressed previous disdain for foreign warfare engagements which waste money – no anti-war moralist he, but almost sounding like a peacenik by comparison to the neo-lib mass murderers opting to circle Russia with nato puppet armies and american missiles, all in the interest of peace and democracy, of course – he is seen as a real enemy of the warfare state. That has led to his depiction by puppets as a menace to us all if he gets his hands on the nuclear button. This, while america moves closer to a nuclear confrontation with Russia and all we have to rely on, if we have any sense, is the leadership of Putin which is mature and worldly by comparison to the infantile warheads running our reality tv farce.

Thus, the latest and possibly most idiotic charge of his collusion with a supposedly evil foreign power by making a joke and urging Russia to find out more about his opposition’s emails. Somehow these buffoons on what is called a left (by crackpots who think Groucho Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto) have created a formidable opponent out of an intellectual lightweight multi millionaire egoist who, shockingly, with outspoken honesty often makes the supposed intelligentsia seem the homicidal crackpots they are. What’s a voter to do?

The truly thoughtful seekers of real and not just genital change in leadership have an opportunity to vote for such, though not in every state since this still very anti-democratic system makes it next to impossible for real democracy to work. But Dr. Jill Stein - a brilliant, accomplished and compassionate woman who has achieved her high status on her own! - and the Greens are on enough ballots to tally enough votes and attract the attention of the real majority; americans who have not succumbed to being reduced to helpless minorities but demand majority unity in creating a political economy that works for all and not just the richest and their paid staff. And that 20-25% still enjoying privilege beyond what the majority 75-80% experience will be under increasing stress soon enough to see that their “identity” is the same as those beneath them economically: we are americans, of all shapes, sizes, beliefs, cultural and ethnic origins and histories, but americans who will not have a better life for ourselves and whatever slice of the population we are made to believe is “our” people until we unite as a democratic force to reorient our politics and economics to benefit all of “our” people: Americans.

Disregard the fear mongers and their often well meaning and sincere but sadly mislead minions who sometimes question authority and then do exactly what authority orders them to do. The choice (?) offered between Clinton and Trump is a lesser evil one of cancer or polio. Choose Jill Stein and the Greens and begin the process of ending the politics of terminal and crippling disease and starting an economy of humanity and health for all of us.


  1. Don't be foolish. ! A vote for the greens is just a vote for trump.

  2. brilliant...never had to confront such reasoning before..have totally changed my mind due to that persuasive comment...will now join the sap suckers.
