Sunday, November 13, 2016

Quotes By and About The U.S. President-Elect

"I'm excited, man. I'm not going to lie. We've seen, especially the last eight years, talk but not drastic change that benefits the citizens. The idea that a citizen would be taking the presidency as opposed to a politician, I think that's got people excited."

-----Jacob Stout, small business owner, Danville Kentucky

"I spend a lot of time around union guys. And the union leadership has been saying all along to me:  their members just don't trust Democrats anymore."

-------Rep. John Yarmuth, Democrat, Louisville

"As a gay, liberal, health-loving Canadian, most of my friends thought I was crazy to be supporting Trump. But I suggested he had to win to offer a chance for world peace by preventing WWIII with Russia and for his stance on radical Islam."

-----Ashley MacIsaac

"We are all now rooting for his success."

------Barack Obama

"Torture works."

-----Donald Trump

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