Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Psycho-Social Breakdown

“To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – Bucky Fuller

America’s ruling powers have maintained control by utilizing the divide and conquer strategy of identitarianism. Avoiding democracy by keeping people in real or imagined minorities has worked well, but there are times when that ruling force needs to unify people in order to keep its dominance and in those circumstances what works best is the outside menace that threatens “all of us ”. In the recent past it was an alleged international communist conspiracy, centered in the Soviet Union. When that ended more than twenty years ago, the terrorist menace presented itself as for the first time America experienced a threat within its own borders as a result of murderous policies acted out elsewhere. While that real fear has been fully exploited and is at least based on a material rather than mentally created reality, the present endangered status of our ruling oligarchy has brought about a new alleged menace for public consumption, this time from a capitalist Russia and embodied in Vladimir Putin.

An individual leader always plays an important role in the demonology productions of our consciousness controllers, who may have suffered a loss by killing Osama bin laden. The transformation of a Russian who played a major role in bringing his country back from near economic disaster to a position of global leadership into an alleged fiendish menace to all that Americans hold dear has been a dangerous success, so far.

Supposed liberals, progressives, and some who call themselves leftists have been swept up in a reactionary frenzy that makes past conservative foaming-at-the-mouth anti communism seem almost benign by comparison. Charges of Russian interference with an already corrupt electoral system entirely dependent on funding by the richest people in America have been swallowed by people who consider themselves more knowledgeable than those fed up with that system, however confused they might be about what changing it actually means. If Russia doesn’t listen in on official American communications as America listens in on those of the entire world, it would not only be led by but also populated by incompetents on a par with some of the think-from-the-armpits types in our government. The USA has not only spied on but also meddled in foreign elections whenever it deemed the outcomes not conducive to its dominant role in the world. And American computerized communications are regularly spied upon by some of its alleged allies, most especially Israel. The shocked reactions to learning that others do what we do is in keeping with the psychosis that rationalizes present forms of colonialism, mass murder of foreigners and the destruction of nations deemed problematic to the supposed master race of self chosen people cult. But when alleged critics of that cult calling themselves not only liberal but also leftist become willing believers in its worst created fantasies, America and its people are threatened as never before.

A lynch mob composed of supposedly progressive liberals is no different from a lynch mob composed of supposedly reactionary conservatives. Whether fueled by wine, cheese and the New York Times or pretzels, beer and Fox TV, it is a lynch mob, and the nation is presently in danger of becoming a manipulated mob of uninformed, misinformed, bigotry enacting lynch mobs engaging in righteous psycho-neurotic behavior patterns that get closer to psychotic violence every day.

The victory of Trump in the election triggered an increase in the revived cold war behavior as a corrupt electoral system was suddenly discovered to be unfair when someone who was not supposed to win actually did win and bring on this new chapter of mental maladjustment bordering on physical breakdown. It has brought to the surface long suppressed but very American hate tendencies in the individual blame game that serves as cover for the social crimes of capital.

The sordid celebrity gossip reporting that passes for political analysis has reached depths to shock thoughtful populations here and in other countries that may live in fear of what total breakdown could mean for the rest of the world. Irrational bursts of brainlessness emanating from the professional servants of power in our politics and media that used to be occasional are becoming everyday reality. The newly elected president, who may be the most open and least sneaky of the dimwitted breed in his unabashed Americanism of supremacy, has set off explosions in the national oligarchs reflecting their mortal fears of losing control. It has taken a billionaire, not a revolutionary, to scare the hell out of the billionaires who own the nation. Go figure? But the danger of a lone nutcase losing it while in possession of a gun, knife or bomb is multiplied hundreds of millions of times when the nut is a class in possession of enough money and weaponry to destroy much of the civilized world. When a rich, egotistical, arrogant and often ignorant loudmouth begins to sound like the most rational voice in a debate, those being made to pay for the argument need to take action for sanity before the nut-cult ends all possibility of not only thought or logic but life itself.

Headlines in publications supposedly dispensing news sell claims about Trump and Putin that embarrass gossip hustlers. Enormous attention is given a slur by a professional actress that allegedly brings tears to the eyes of well meaning if ignorantly gullible listeners, claiming that Trump trashed a physically disabled person .Simple investigation would find that he used the very same movements to trash political opponents whose only disability might be mental and not visible to the naked eye or empty mind. The need of our oligarchs to make this unpredictable individual weak if not feeble even before he takes office has led to speculation of his being impeached or possibly murdered, all of which finds previously rational types clucking in agreement while accepting claims of his being the source of all the ugliness at the core of national policies which date back not just to previous administrations but to the founding of the nation. All of this individual bashing neglects the enormous social power and its murderous affect on the world, especially the middle east, being acted out every day regardless of which party clown, oaf, servant or competent professional serves as CEO of our corporate warfare state of social welfare for the rich and individual sink or swim for the rest.

An obsolete model based on the acquisition of private profits in a market as the primary motivation of life itself has been criticized almost since the moment it became evident to thinkers who could see beyond the end of their noses. We are dealing with a system in danger of not only further corrupting life but possibly ending it for humanity if it is allowed to continue under control of minority oligarchs and their servants. Concentration on individuals exclusive of the social forces they serve is long past tolerable for humanity and only profitable for a tiny population even if ultimately damaging even for them. But nonsense about one or another president or ceo that allows the corporation to continue its business is worse than criminally ignorant. It is racially stupid, as in threatening all of humanity and not just the relative handful buying into the master race of self chosen leaders that passes for western capital’s american centered domination of the globe. Different political leaders may be nice, wonderful, rotten, diseased or whatever else, but the system ruining the planet is the problem, not some individual’s talent, personality or lack of both. It is capitalism that is obsolete and we need a new social model . Continued tolerance of the malevolent ignorance being forced on us by consciousness control is a critical part of our problem and we need to stop it, before it makes us, obsolete.

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