Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Minority Un-Consciousness

Which Minority Warrants More Concern?

The total population of the countries affected by the "hate" inspired Trump immigration policy is 225 million.  
Roughly .004% of that number have been part of the traveling, business, tourist, refugee or immigrating population coming to America.
The death toll directly connected to American military attacks and American arms, training and finance supplied to local killers in those countries is well over 1 million.
It continues while Americans remain unconscious of it or helpless to stop it if they are conscious, and are moved to scream about hate when people escaping American murder are given a difficult time at coming into the country most responsible for the degradation of their homelands and the mass murders of their people.
Which minority should Americans be most concerned about, and which active majority of concerned American humanitarians – if such exist – should be most responsible to take action on their behalf?

1.4 million Americans are estimated to identify as trans sexual. That represents .6% of the adult population of the U.S.A.
It is also estimated that half a million Americans are homeless. Among that number there are many children. Together, homeless adults and children  are less than 3% of the trans sexual population.
Much of the nation is concerned over the right of people who are biologically one sex but mentally and/or spiritually of the other to use the public toilets assigned to the biological opposite sex.
Homeless people do not have any toilets at all.
Which minority’s toilet needs and humanity should be of the most concern for the active, involved, humanitarian segments organized to fight against “Trump’s hate”?

There are more than 45 million Americans living in poverty. That represents 14.5% of the population. In addition, 97 million Americans are “low income”, defined as having income below twice the poverty income level. Together they add up to more than 140 million people who are poor or low income, nearly half the population.
21.8% of American children, more than one in five, live in poverty. This, in a nation that spent 600 billion on warfare in Obama’s last year, and 60 billion on the pet industry in Obama’s last year.
Both of those years came before Trump’s first year, for those who think the CEO is more important than the business the CEO works for.
War and pets are more profitable to that business than those poor people and those poor kids.
Which minority-identity group should “love” people be organized to fight against the “hate” of such political economics?

The top 1% of the U.S. population owns 43% of wealth ($24.4 trillion); the top 5% of the population owns 72% of wealth ($40.8 trillion); the bottom 80% of the population owns 7%of wealth ($3.9 trillion).Many "love" fighters against "hate" think the U.S. is a great democracy, ruled by a loving majority which shows great concern for all minorities. Which minority, using which toilets, escaping which wars, buying which products and confiscating which wealth, should that population be most concerned about?

A minority owned corporation that manufactures yarn is planning to make caps with small penises at their peaks and organizing a massive March of the Dickheads on Washington D.C. to protest minority abuse.
Which minority should purchase the caps, wear them, join the march, and continue preaching the politics of love while practicing the economics of hate?

All figures are from the U.S. Census Bureau and Kairos Center

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