Friday, March 31, 2017

Trumpophobia: A Problem, Not A Solution

America’s ruling powers are practicing the trees vs. forest mind game as never before, with constant reminders given information consumers about how important a particular capitalist tree menace is, thereby avoiding awareness of how critical the capitalist forest menace has become. Now that the corporate circus of political lesser evilism has produced a genuine clown as its CEO the danger that his bumbling arrogance will reveal the sham and hypocrisy of the entire show is driving the owners of the big top to mass manipulations that drive their captive audience to desired distraction. But that could lead to a near - if not real - civil war if they succeed in destroying the clown while the circus continues on its death cycle, and that won’t be a laughing matter.

Since Trump took office the move to restrain him if possible and destroy him if not has become more frantic as systemic breakdowns become more numerous. Blaming Putin, Russia, Trump, Lady GaGa, the tooth fairy or any outside source for what ails America is a ploy that has worked before, but the current hysterical performance reflects the stressed state of the nation’s political economic structure, which is collapsing from its rotted foundation while attention is focused on the tenant in its penthouse. This search for individual villains on which to heap responsibility for things much larger than personal egos is also business as usual, but the commercial endeavor nears a frantic pace of irrationality as things show danger of getting completely out of control.

The Trump-ophobia promoted by a ruling class  - which is now referred to as a “deep state” even by anti-conspiracy types - has reduced a privileged sector of the population which needs a therapy session before ordering lunch into a near hysterical mob fearing personal demise as it desperately shops at a mental health mall and incurs ever more crippling physical debt in the process. A political paparazzi from what passes for a left helps induce mental coma while materially goading the lynch motivation that presents the latest capitalist monster in supposed bold light while still keeping capitalism in shadows. That political economic system is responsible for most of what drives an affluent minority to debt, drugs, drink and therapy, and a fast growing majority of strugglers to unemployment, poverty, environmental degradation and war.

Trump claimed his rule would create jobs and boost the economy and make America great again, while his allegedly liberal opponents claimed it was already great. This two party battle of the master race of self chosen people vs. the self chosen people of the master race was bound to lead to nothing more than continuity, however different it might seem to those programmed to think pimps are selling love and lies represent honesty. But a cottage industry of new fund raising for the political left-of-fascism has indeed created jobs and dollars, while popular entertainment feasts on both Trump’s idiocy and the mindless reaction to it that often makes him seem almost thoughtful by comparison. His war belching bravado about how our military is doing a much better job murdering people in Iraq brings reptilian tears to the eyes of the brunch brigades previously silent or barely conscious of the hundreds of thousands murdered by the other branch of the war cabal that – allegedly - ruled before Trump. Even greater military spending than indulged in by the Obama killers does mean more profits and more jobs, along with more death and more destruction. Which, in turn creates jobs for rebuilding the wreckage and repopulating the devastated nations. Isn’t free market capitalism wonderful? Yes, if the blissed-out-by-propaganda sector is kept from seeing the results of job creation and job loss by its own job and financial security that enables belief in material depictions of reality that only highlight the benign and give short shrift to the ugliness of private profit creation that reduces most of the public to market rabble frantically consuming at a fire sale of garbage, waste and murder.

Contrary to major media analysts, Trump is not responsible for the fact that an economy in which treatment of a disease is more profitable than curing the disease means the disease will prosper and remain uncured. Cancer is not a growth industry because of evil oncologists or mean delivery drivers or even a hateful CEO here and there, though all such are possible. But despite the billions spent on cancer, the number of people stricken by the disease increases, as do the profits of the cancer industry. In 2015, cancer pharmaceuticals crossed the one billion dollar mark, and while that means profit and jobs and investments for that disease, it also means that more than a million “new” cases of cancer will occur this year. Hooray? Yes, if you’re invested in the fight against cancer, which means, in this economic system, its continued profit potential. And again, that has nothing to do with an evil individual or abusive personality or wretched behavior pattern of someone who couldn’t afford therapy. It is systemic, not personal, and the most wonderful people, humanitarians, lovers of families, friends and neighbors, who wouldn’t hurt a soul, are buying homes, paying rents, eating, shopping, feeding their pets and living good lives based on that industry.

Looking for evil individuals and remaining unaware of a morally debased system is even worse than the identity politics that looks for blonde hair, brown skin, tall agnostics or short religionists as the source of the evils causing such pain and suffering to so many. The incredible wealth of a relative handful of people in the face of so much of humanity suffering poverty is well worth our attention, but not if we just settle for taxing them at a higher rate, which is the usual social democratic solution that helps maintain rather than transform our political economics. Nobody should have that much wealth – ever! – when there is so much that needs to be done to make life better for everybody. But simply raising the tax rate on the filthy rich and still leaving them with hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars for private profit making that must create injustice for a public no matter how clouded mass consciousness can be kept isn’t nearly enough.

Ultimately, someone driven over the edge by that inequality that is absolutely necessary to sustain the system will bring about an act of madness, terror and murder that can only be avoided by an economy that does not create inequality but promotes the well being of all, and not just some. Trump merely promotes the system more blatantly, and honestly, than the apologists who call him a liar every time he truthfully speaks to the horror of what makes him rich and keeps them in professional class comfort. That failure of anti-democratic capitalism becomes clearer as a result of this egotistical pinhead, but it isn’t very smart to villainize him while the wretched excess of the crime against nature political economic system of capitalism remains invisible. Those who keep it that way are the problem and as things stand, his blatant, open, egotistic honesty may be part of the solution in revealing that fact. But not if good people continue to be herded into the political identity of individualist grad school that makes most high school dropouts wiser about the economy, since they suffer it materially and not just while visiting therapists. Trump is indeed a boob, but he is the logical culmination of a system that is falling apart while its unmindful supporters feverishly work to chop down a tree while the forest is in more danger than ever of becoming an inferno that consumes not just some, but all of us.

1 comment:

  1. "It's systemic, not personal!" Yes! Thanks for explaining that simple truth so brilliantly! I have really become addicted to your blog writings!
