Friday, December 1, 2017

Individualitis: A Crippling Social Disorder

Once again an anti-social blame game threatens to disguise material systemic madness under a blanket of personal identity psychosis. As almost any clear reading of evidence would lead one to believe, the illegal immigrant who killed a woman in San Francisco was found innocent of actually meaning to kill her. And as always, a tweet to America’s twit population is played as a major assault on humanity by expressing disagreement with the outcome, and as usual the tweet is as wrong as its opposition twits in this flathead vs. pinhead intellectual clash.

The system that deported a person, allowed him back into the country, deported him again and allowed him back in again, deported him again and allowed him back in again, and then deported him again and allowed him back in again..oops, one more deportation and allowance back in, goes totally unquestioned by both the “get the immigrants” brigades and the “protect the immigrants” legions. Whether this immigrant was the sweetest human being on the planet or a nasty individual hardly matters more than that an innocent human being would still be alive if he had not found, fumbled with and triggered a shot that killed her. Bulletin: he could not have done so if he had not been in America. Duh? His intent, alleged by some, or innocence, understood by some who considered evidence over opinion, was secondary to the actual systemic crime of allowing the person repeated illegal entry into the country not once, which would be bad enough, but five times. She would still be alive if he had been treated legally by a just and fair system that put people before profits, and that is the most important matter to be dealt with. Don’t hang by your lip waiting for the legions of “ immigrants r us and trump is a mass murderer” or “immigrants are a curse and trump is the son of god” population to come to that conclusion. Especially when the consciousness controllers and mind managers that run our “democracy” for our minority owners remain the only source of information (?) and opinion (based on the same?) that enters the minds, and souls, of all americans in the only expression - outside of a mall –in mass participation in what makes the country supposedly work: joining in the consumption of goods, services and assaults on morality that we call our special-to-the-world nation.

But the president and millions of others who argue against unlimited immigration, some of whom are bigots and most of whom are just decent people absorbing the social costs that immigration brings to benefit the private profit crowd are all labeled enemies of all that is good, wholesome and sweet, while an opposition that tolerates or helplessly allows mass slaughter of human beings in foreign countries and lowers to destitution hundreds of thousands at home clucks in superior contempt. Is this any way to run a country? It is, if you want to instill conscious support for private profit at all costs, or unconsciously speak against profit when you believe or are manipulated into seeing it as negative, and unconsciously enjoy it when it is beneficial and you are manipulated into believing it is so even as you wallow in debt, live in fear of terrorism but remember to stand with your hand over your heart, wallet, or crotch when a flag is waved or an anthem sung.

It takes a nation to create a people, to paraphrase a famous servant to capital’s best selling market hustle, and until we transform ourselves from a gang of i-me-mine and only us when like i-me-mine to a people exercising unity beyond the ends of our noses or identity groups, we will see our divisions become greater, the market become more dominated by the richest humans in the history of humanity, and our planetary homeland – whether we believe or disbelieve the brand name “climate change” – become unlivable.

One of the terrible contradictions of a system that only creates wealth for some by creating poverty for others, with the first group getting smaller and the second larger by the minute, is to import cheap labor for greater profits. The immigrants have little to no control over their status as such, but systemic powers, the kind that allow some into the country illegally and provide housing, jobs and education for them, however low on the economic scale, while crowding prisons with hundreds of thousands of native born denied and locked out of housing, jobs and education, are systemic powers that must be changed democratically. That takes unity among people identifying common problems, and that’s why we are kept in divisive sectors looking out for only “us”, in the selected minority of one or another identity group which may suffer for that identity but suffer even more for allowing ourselves to be kept in it.

Being put against one another over issues of individual immigrants while remaining unconscious to the political economic reality of immigration is what our minority rulers want. As long as we cooperate, as we are doing at the moment, we play into their hands, and endanger our majority’s future.


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