Sunday, March 13, 2022

No Heroism In Slaughter: Cease Fire Now In Ukraine

"If I were Ukrainian and living in Kyiv or Odessa, I’d certainly be out on the streets, rolling flaming tires at Russian tanks. But I’m not and I certainly don’t know what’s to be done from here. Or who will do it.

"Still the Ukrainian resistance–as courageous as it is–cannot defeat the Russia military. Most of those armchair strategists urging it to intensify the fighting are at no risk themselves. NATO will not intervene. Russia can and will escalate the war, ratchet up the bombing and destruction until there is nothing left for fleeing Ukrainians to come home to. Look at the ruins of Syria, the rubble of Homs and Aleppo. Instead of pushing for more war–even if the cause seems just–the only moral position is to call and continue calling for a ceasefire and to stop using Ukrainian civilians as pawns in a larger depraved game."

-----Jeffrey St. Clair, "Roaming Charges: The Trembling Air," Counterpunch, March 11, 2022

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