Saturday, November 12, 2022

The Most Meaningless Elections Of Our Lifetimes (Until the Next One)

Outside MAGA circles we're all supposed to cheer the "Blue" victory in the elections just past, largely due to backlash against the repeal of Roe v. Wade. But an annoying thought inevitably spoils the victory party. In the U.S. abortion was taken away by the same process through which it was initially granted - by a highly undemocratic Supreme Court. So what grounds are there for complaint? 

If democracy is the issue, and it clearly is, why can't we notice that we have more and more elections and less and less democracy? There may have never been an emptier ballot than that of the California November 8 elections this year. Absolutely pathetic. No Green Party, Peace and Freedom Party, People's Party, Fusion Candidate, not even a Ron Paul libertarian. Unlike previous years, there was no token peace candidate anywhere in the Democratic Party, just perfect unity in unrestrained funding for the Ukraine slaughter that has brought us to the brink of nuclear war. 

The prime function of voting is to fool people into thinking they have a voice in government. 

As Patrice Greanville of The Greanville Post noted, taking it seriously is like sending a letter to Santa Claus - as an adult.


  1. The thrifty Chinese have one huge election every 5 years (72% participation!) and fires newly elected reps after one year if they don't meet their first-year goals.
    I suspect they write on scraps of paper with cut-down pencils.
    It seems to work better than our more expensive approach, too. There are more prisoners, hungry children, drug addicts, poor people, suicides, executions, illiterate, homeless Americans than Chinese.

  2. But we all know the answer to your final point. "The Chinese don't have FREEDOM!" . . . Actually, a 72% participation rate (kinda low) suggests more freedom than they are customarily given credit for . . .
