Sunday, April 2, 2023

Americans Increasingly Enslaved Electronically - Russian Bots Not Involved

 " . . . we have invited into our homes powerful, seductive entities designed to generate profits by monopolizing our attention. And they don't give a damn about our family relations or our children's wellbeing. Unlike a cigar, which is sometimes just a cigar, our smartphones are not just machines. They are conduits for tech companies to surveil and mold our behavior - kind of like alluring, fun, charming, endlessly engrossing, and benign-seeming corporate spies who are expert at insinuating themselves into our lives and manipulating us to their own ends. We take them to dinner, on vacations, to the park with our kids, and to bed. We ask their advice, rely on them for information, and count on them to calm our kids down or to keep them entertained. While appearing to serve us, the real mission for smartphones is to serve us and our children up to advertisers to generate corporate profits. In other words, corporations have figured out how to infiltrate and monetize family life, and we pay them to do it."

-----Susan Linn, Who's Raising The Kids - Big Tech, Big Business, and the Lives of Children, p. 131

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