Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Ultimate Cancel Culture Issue: The Holocaust

 "In the aftermath of the Nazi assault on European Judaism, we have seen a modern form of Biblical interpretation evolve out of an historic event. This interpretation is based almost as much on faith as on verifiable fact. What should be at least fairly conclusive according to examined evidence has become a religious belief system in which no examination or question is allowed unless it strengthens the already existing and accepted story. The event is not only treated as unquestioned as the word of God, but if dared to be questioned at all, punishable as blasphemy. Such is the modern burden of what is called The Holocaust, having even its name reflect a Biblical sounding event, like The Creation. 

". . . real Palestinian Deniers are an infinitely greater problem than any alleged Holocaust Deniers . . . Would it hurt us to move beyond simplistic, reductionist explanations in order to arrive at some understanding of material reality that might help our relations with the rest of the world?"

---------Frank Scott, "The Holocaust, Palestine and Israel: Revision, Denial and Myth" (posted on September 7, 2022 on the Legalienate blog, originally published January 1, 2005)

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