Saturday, September 23, 2023

Top Philosopher Calls For An End To The Ukraine Farce

"It's gross that we're giving so many weapons to Ukraine. Like Russia's not going to allow an American proxy state on their border. And I don't blame them. So we're pretty much licensing the murder of Russians, who are defending what they consider their national sovereignty. And we're not admitting that that's what's going to go on, and it's going to go on forever. Meanwhile, this guy Zelensky comes and just . . . . why don't we just give him a big old printing press for U.S. cash? I would say we'd (also) give him a gun factory. It can't be in Ukraine because the Russians will just bomb it. They don't have any productive . . . They don't have an economy. There is no Ukraine economy. Because it's a war zone. Any time they try to build anything the Russians will just bomb it. We just need to admit that Ukraine's going to end up, it should end up possibly like Belarus. That's just how it's going to be. Russia's a real power. We have to recognize them as such, and that is what it is. And let's stop pretending that it's about Ukraine's self-determination. There's no Ukraine self-determination; there's barely a Ukraine. They've now consolidated the media. They took away all private media, so now there's just state media. Zelensky has suspended elections. Let's stop pretending that we're fighting for a democracy in Ukraine. That's untenable. Part of what it is to be a sovereign nation is to be able to defend your borders. Ukraine can't do that, so they're not a sovereign nation. We need to just admit that. It would be the equivalent of Russia giving guns to Puerto Rican separatists. It's ridiculous and absurd and we need to admit that we don't get to unilaterally decide the shape of the world. And if Russia doesn't want an American proxy state on their border and they can convince their people that this is a bad thing for Russia, then that's a forever war that we're funding because we like the idea of Ukrainians killing Russians, even if that just ratchets up the debt." 

 ---------Irami Osei-Frimpong 9/22/23
                "Cornel West, Sure"


  1. agree with him 100% but wonder who makes him a "top" philosopher.

    aristotle socrates
