Thursday, September 14, 2023

White Men Worth Watching: UAW President Denounces Exploitation of Auto Workers On Verge of Strike

 "In the Kingdom of God no one hoards all the wealth while everybody else starves. In the Kingdown of God no one else puts themselves in a position of total domination over the entire community. In the Kingdom of God no one forces others to perform endless, backbreaking work just to feed their families or put a roof over their heads. That world's not the Kingdom of God. That world is Hell. Living paycheck to paycheck scraping to get by - that's Hell. Choosing between medicine and rent is Hell. Working seven days a week for twelve hours a day for months on end is Hell. Having your plant close down and your family scattered across the country - is Hell. Being made to work during a pandemic, and not knowing if you might get sick and die, or spread the disease to your family - is Hell. And enough is enough. It's time to decide what kind of world we want to live in. And it's time to decide what we're willing to do to get it."

-------------UAW President Shawn Fein

Source: "Ford Attacks UAW 'PR Events' Day Before Historic Strike," Status Coup News, September 14, 2023

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