Monday, January 22, 2024

Netanyahu Snubs Biden On Two-State Solution

Netanyahu: "From the river to the sea, Israel must reign free."

Biden: "Well, Gazans can have a micro-state with no power, can't they?"

Netanyahu: "Drink my diarrhea, goy."

Biden: (placating) . . .  "I'm an optimist. I see the glass as half-empty."

Netanyahu: "I'll fix that. From my ass to your mouth."

Biden: ". . . burp . . . "


  1. No one who understands US foreign policy believes for a minute that Israel does anything without Washington's permission.

  2. Permission? It's not really about permission . . . ..

    "We are witnessing the sick relationship between the United States and Israel. You (the U.S.) are basically raising a spoiled brat (Israel) you are unable to say 'no' to, that has now grown up to be a sociopath."

    ------Egyptian podcaster Rahma Zain

  3. And of course, there is also this:

    " . . . don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America. And the Americans know it."

    -----Ariel Sharon

    Quoted by Chris Hedges, "Norman Finkelstein and Chris Hedges discuss Israel, Gaza, October 7 at Princeton," You Tube, March 28, 2024 (The Real News Network)
