Wednesday, January 22, 2025

New Year? We Need A Whole New World





Late in 2024 a board member of an American health insurance company was murdered by an American privileged class member who instantly became a semi-folk hero for taking direct action against one of many despised aspects of a private profit political economy which in the case of health insurance kills, maims and consigns to misery many who cannot afford to pay their rates. On the very first day of 2025 an American of less privilege murdered 14 innocent people just out celebrating and innocently becoming victims of the same system that got the health insurance executive killed though there was much less sympathy for the military veteran guilty of the crime because his murder of innocents was the result at least in part of hatred for America’s long assault in defense of Israel but directed against not only Palestinians, in the most murderous sense, but all the people of the middle east who are reduced to “terrorists” because unlike the U.S, Israel and other western powers, their retaliatory violence is taken by people usually not wearing uniforms and working for a murderous group acting as armies, navies and other titled members of  western, usually American murder brigades.


Whatever the class background of the American assailants they were both taking personal actions against individuals for the actions of a political economic system taking more lives and destroying more of nature every second of every minute of every day. With massive profits accumulating faster than ever for a smaller and smaller group of humanity and in ever greater amounts so that while these enormous profits sustained by attacks on humanity and other parts of nature innocent people are manipulated by anti-social media thought control into believing individual villains are responsible, whether fantastically wealthy people like the health insurance board member or ordinary folks just out celebrating a new year beginning and innocently losing their lives in the process.


This as a new regime was about to be sworn in with many thinking the new corporate CEO, or president, is different from others because this time a human practing artificial intelligence will be taking office. Just as in the case of previous presidential murderers credited with being very bright people or murderous nuts, depending on which anti-social media channel is being watched, while the president has far more responsibility in allegedly running the collapsing mess of American and global capitalism he she or it is no more responsible for the system than the December or January murderers. It started, long before any of us were born and if we don’t stop it soon we may all go the way of those victims.


As for our alleged democracy, in the just completed as in mostly every election in history the non-votes outnumbered either those for winner Trump or loser Harris.  This quote from someone alleged to be among the brightest people in history sums it up:


‘”…What we see at work is not an expression of the sentiments of the American people; rather it reflects the will of a powerful minority which uses its economic power to control the organs of political life


Albert Einstein

Einstein on peace pg. 343


And perhaps most clearly this part of a song lyric by the Rolling Stones from back in the 60s:

“spare a thought for the stay at home voter

whose eyes perceive such a strange beauty show

a parade of grey suited grafters

a choice of cancer or polio”


The British songwriters clearly saw the spectacle from a different class perspective but were clearly commenting on the same murderous farce.



Calling the multi billion dollar marketing exercise in voting that supposedly runs the country “our”democracy would be like the domestic slaves of our bigoted history citing their forced servitude as clear evidence of their ownership of the plantation. After all, they lived at a much higher material standard than the field slaves who picked the cotton and suffered the worst physical abuse. The domestics were still slaves but suffered mentally far more than physically and like tens of millions of middle class Americans now who buy into the psych market to find personal peace, they could be assured that their own shortcomings, not a bestial system of slavery, was responsible for their problems. That, while fully knowing that most of them were the sons and daughters of the slave master and mistress who owned them for sexual favors as well as market profits from the cotton they picked, meals they served and countless other favors they performed for their owners.


Now we have mass murdering demublicans calling for republicrat Trump to be imprisoned for business swindles and other common market crimes which are the foundation of most financial wealth accruing to a tiny minority while a vast majority pays for destroying life and other nature while being lied to by news and lulled by market forces.  The veteran killer of new years day was an example of the most extreme outcomes of training people to kill, against most human impulse or wishes, leading to far more crimes less horrible than his but equally the outcome of degenerate teaching of anti-humanity to human beings taught to believe it is supposed to be normal if not heroic to murder people. The situation grows more dangerous for humanity and not just the imperial west currently falling apart under the fading control of America due to the imperial military power of a mass murder machine more dangerous than ever before. In fact, many who claim expertise in knowledge of nuclear capabilities claim the danger of a nuclear holocaust is greater than ever before.


Meanwhile, innocent millions blame other innocent millions for the horror threatened by a tiny percent of humanity: the ruling class powers of international capitalism, head quartered mostly in The U.S.A.


The world is changing rapidly and a new global order is being born among the majority of humans on the planet who are learning to work together to bring about a truly new world no longer under the murderous domination of any imperial power, As citizen consumers who sustain that power we have the greatest responsibility to join the human race – the one and only race despite fictionally created alleged “racial” differences among us – and join the majority in creating a democratic global population before our tiny minority destroys all of us. Capitalist private profits for some need to come after, long after the assurance of public good for all. Happy 2025?


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