Thursday, February 16, 2017


A continuing and possibly unending series:

Americans who tolerate spending more than 600 billion dollars on war and 60 billion dollars on pets while half a million people are homeless have been found guilty of Hate Crimes by an international committee of better educated, higher income, morally superior and much smarter global residents.

The national committee for IISS – Intellectuality In Social Sewers - has found all Americans who allow the incredibly large inequality gap between the richest fraction of one percent of the population and the other 99+ percent guilty of really, really, really stupid Hate Crimes.

Americans who know that President Trump is a misogynist and have done nothing to rescue his poor wife and daughters from their dreadful lives of terroristic brutality have been found guilty of sexist Hate Crimes committed against all women too dumb to know they are married to and fathered by misogynists.

American entrepreneurs who have not profited from the Hate Trump movement by producing hats, bumper stickers, placards, t-shirts, buttons and especially earned interest through commercial fund raising for non-profit NGOs in opposition to his invention of capitalism, war, slavery, famine, tooth decay and ingrown toenails have been found guilty of anti-marketing Hate Crimes by the Better Business Bureau of Albania

American individuals and businesses which have not hired an immigrant worker at lower wages than they would have had to pay a native born worker have been charged with Racist Hate Crimes, a more serious offense than simple Hate Crimes since Caesar Chavez became the original criminal so identified when he not only criticized immigrant workers whose cheaper labor threatened his native born union members but referred to them as “wetbacks”.

All American residents of homeless encampments/tent cities have been charged with Hate Crimes for not having toilet facilities for all non-gender-specific homeless people to use - and no excuses accepted about nobody else having such facilities - by the committee on creating gender choice equality even before housing, jobs and education because let’s face it, what good are housing, jobs or an education if you can’t use the toilet of your choice?

America accused of Hate Crimes against Palestinians, Iraqis, Libyans, Yemenis, Syrians, Muslims, the Islamic world and the thinking people minority of the west, by committee to create global toilets to be shared by all faiths. Committee calls for investigation and urges charges of treason, impeachment, and denial of toilet use for all guilty American politicians and their flunkies, considering the high place in their consciousness of facilities for excrement and urine release which only recently became socially significant gathering places.

Guilt ridden professional upper middle class “white” Americans charged with Racist Hate Crimes for labeling those with less as enjoying “white privilege” despite no evidence that there is a “white” race any different from the human race and in complete denial of political economic privileges enjoyed by all   “ people of color* ” with money.

*Except for Albinos who may have money but have no color.


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