Thursday, May 18, 2017

Impeach Ignorance

The plan to impeach Trump, which existed even before he was elected –just in case – and has been operational since then, has now approached action nearing national hysteria. What Putin politely called “American schizophrenia” is really making an institutionalized homicidal schizophrenic seem mentally healthy by comparison. The nation is not only hearing voices, of disinformation and lies, but moving closer to breakdown with the unending pressure of repetition to the point that even what passes for an American left is waving the loony banner of the impeachment-lynching party, as ever believing a politics more liberal than the American nazi party qualifies as civil libertarian social justice seeking.

Russia has resumed a position of menace to America’s rulers since it recovered from its crippled condition under unleashed oligarchs who brought the country close to ruin. Putin’s leadership played a major role in saving Russia Inc. Though this may seem a late breaking bulletin to America’s most primitive conservatives and liberals who still  think “evil” commies rule the “evil” empire, the nation has been “evil” capitalist for quite some time now. With all the horrors of private-profit-first economics, its greediest practitioners were reigned in by Putin and Russia’s relatively enlightened capitalists – not an oxymoron, as such used to rule the USA during what was called the New Deal – are now in control and the nation moved back from the edge of collapse to become a renewed great power.

The new balance in global capitalism, with China, Russia and smaller but growing-in-influence nations like Iran assuming much greater roles, has ruling dominators of the old imperial order in a panic. This is the major reason (?) behind all the present irrational behavior, though near idiotic tales like those of Trump’s personal misogyny – seemingly beyond his stupid wife, ignorant daughter and all the dumb broads who work for him - are repeated by those ignorant of a multi billion dollar American pornography industry in which the “money” shots are of men ejaculating in women’s faces. And their children watch these on their cell phones, but don’t hang by your lip waiting for an outraged woman’s march on Hollywood, where the industry is centered. After all, the female objectified ejaculatees are paid more than the male objectified ejaculators in these “art” films.

The dominance of a warfare state of mind and behavior will keep the massive profits of the military industrial complex safe while maintaining hold of an economy that has millions of citizens totally dependent on war even if they truly want peace. The lack of a radical movement to transform anti-democratic capitalism into something that has never existed before, a political economy that puts people before profits, has led to a far more powerful rightist move to challenge minority injustice before it destroys more of us, if not all of us. The reactionary element has led to strengthening lesser evil politics that maintain the treating of earth and its people as commodities dependent on a totalitarian entity called market forces. This material substitute for spiritual explanations has brought great benefit to hundreds of millions while reducing billions to poverty, despair and death. As under feudal or slave systems, minorities benefit at the costly suppression of majorities but with greater luxury available under market capitalism since financial wealth and postponed payments through debt, creations slightly less nebulous than spirituality, enable the production of more comfortable professional and middle classes in the profit centers, while greatly increasing the necessary losses to balance those profits in the outlying provinces:

 Most of the planet and its people.

Though there is far more reality on cartoon serials like the Simpsons, Family Guy or Bob’s Burgers than on any of the surreal commercial trash so named, Trump’s egotistical, arrogant personality and stardom on something called “reality TV” introduced him to even larger fame than his wealth and ego had already bought. His honest, brash ignorance as opposed to the usual political dishonesty that passes for knowledge among the standard employees of capital in government endeared him to millions of voters who never encountered such bold if sometimes bordering on half-witted criticism of the system. This very quality terrified the established powers of both corporate parties and media as a rude, straight talking egotistical slob threatened to reveal the actual face, mind and substance of a system destroying more lives and ecology by the minute while lulling public consciousness with what John Lennon once called being “doped by religion and sex and TV”. Despite establishment criticism of his sentence structure and manners, which conversely helped his candidacy, more than 60 million Americans voted for him. But they are dismissed by official power as simpletons, deplorables, racists, misogynists, and other collegially accepted hate labels driven into the minds of followers of the most surreal TV of all –corporate news – and thus deemed acceptable by people formerly claiming civil justice, humanitarianism and diversity as watchwords.

Thus, the rich, honest, college educated, obnoxious pinhead president vs. the richer, dishonest, college owning pinheaded rulers has brought us to the present situation, called by some mind managers a, if not the, major crisis in our histry by people who haven’t noticed hundreds of thousands of americans living in the streets, millions of american children living in poverty, and tens of millions of people in the middle east suffering slaughter and national destruction since long before the pinhead took up residence in the subsidized housing at corporate headquarters.

The charges based on no revealed evidence of anything so ridiculous as president Trump disclosing “classified information’ to Russians are even dumber than the allegations with equally absent evidence that Syria used chemical warfare on its people. And that charge years after liberal stalwart senator Kerry revealed that all Syria’s chemical weapons were gone. Perhaps he will also be charged with treason by those claiming we’ve all been endangered by Russians interfering in our great democracy, especially those who’ve never noticed the Israeli lobby’s ownership of large parts of congress and several rooms at the 1600 Pennsylvania avenue housing project. Daring to act as though Russians were not our deadly enemies is a crime in this environment and if ever there were a need for radical change in the environment, now is the time, before we all choke on the poison being forced down our throats and succumb to the garbage being put into our heads. Resist consciousness control, radically transform our political economics and get off the  impeachment craze that could bring on a near  if not real civil war.

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