Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Twit: a foolish, contemptible little person*

Like the kind of pampered twits with nothing better to do than not only read but attempt analysis of our super twit president’s tweets to his audience of buffoon twits in the liberal media establishment.

Legalienate visited an intellectual monastery  - where people still listen to radio soap operas and watch re-runs of captain kangaroo  - in order to consult with ivory tower dwelling academic experts on hidden truths poorly understood by operators of college taught artificial intelligence to learn the hidden story behind the tales being told by media mythologists of the moment.

Here is the actual meaning of Trump’s:
Mysterious (to morons)
Coded (to morons)
Cryptic (to morons)
Inexplicable (to morons) term “covfefe”:

It is a mystifying, baffling, peculiar, puzzling expression from ancient Aramaic Egyptian Serbo-Croatian moneylenders and means:

 “ A  huge, big, great , tremendous deal created only  for  super assholes ”

* Webster’s new world dictionary, second college edition

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