Wednesday, January 22, 2025

New Year? We Need A Whole New World





Late in 2024 a board member of an American health insurance company was murdered by an American privileged class member who instantly became a semi-folk hero for taking direct action against one of many despised aspects of a private profit political economy which in the case of health insurance kills, maims and consigns to misery many who cannot afford to pay their rates. On the very first day of 2025 an American of less privilege murdered 14 innocent people just out celebrating and innocently becoming victims of the same system that got the health insurance executive killed though there was much less sympathy for the military veteran guilty of the crime because his murder of innocents was the result at least in part of hatred for America’s long assault in defense of Israel but directed against not only Palestinians, in the most murderous sense, but all the people of the middle east who are reduced to “terrorists” because unlike the U.S, Israel and other western powers, their retaliatory violence is taken by people usually not wearing uniforms and working for a murderous group acting as armies, navies and other titled members of  western, usually American murder brigades.


Whatever the class background of the American assailants they were both taking personal actions against individuals for the actions of a political economic system taking more lives and destroying more of nature every second of every minute of every day. With massive profits accumulating faster than ever for a smaller and smaller group of humanity and in ever greater amounts so that while these enormous profits sustained by attacks on humanity and other parts of nature innocent people are manipulated by anti-social media thought control into believing individual villains are responsible, whether fantastically wealthy people like the health insurance board member or ordinary folks just out celebrating a new year beginning and innocently losing their lives in the process.


This as a new regime was about to be sworn in with many thinking the new corporate CEO, or president, is different from others because this time a human practing artificial intelligence will be taking office. Just as in the case of previous presidential murderers credited with being very bright people or murderous nuts, depending on which anti-social media channel is being watched, while the president has far more responsibility in allegedly running the collapsing mess of American and global capitalism he she or it is no more responsible for the system than the December or January murderers. It started, long before any of us were born and if we don’t stop it soon we may all go the way of those victims.


As for our alleged democracy, in the just completed as in mostly every election in history the non-votes outnumbered either those for winner Trump or loser Harris.  This quote from someone alleged to be among the brightest people in history sums it up:


‘”…What we see at work is not an expression of the sentiments of the American people; rather it reflects the will of a powerful minority which uses its economic power to control the organs of political life


Albert Einstein

Einstein on peace pg. 343


And perhaps most clearly this part of a song lyric by the Rolling Stones from back in the 60s:

“spare a thought for the stay at home voter

whose eyes perceive such a strange beauty show

a parade of grey suited grafters

a choice of cancer or polio”


The British songwriters clearly saw the spectacle from a different class perspective but were clearly commenting on the same murderous farce.



Calling the multi billion dollar marketing exercise in voting that supposedly runs the country “our”democracy would be like the domestic slaves of our bigoted history citing their forced servitude as clear evidence of their ownership of the plantation. After all, they lived at a much higher material standard than the field slaves who picked the cotton and suffered the worst physical abuse. The domestics were still slaves but suffered mentally far more than physically and like tens of millions of middle class Americans now who buy into the psych market to find personal peace, they could be assured that their own shortcomings, not a bestial system of slavery, was responsible for their problems. That, while fully knowing that most of them were the sons and daughters of the slave master and mistress who owned them for sexual favors as well as market profits from the cotton they picked, meals they served and countless other favors they performed for their owners.


Now we have mass murdering demublicans calling for republicrat Trump to be imprisoned for business swindles and other common market crimes which are the foundation of most financial wealth accruing to a tiny minority while a vast majority pays for destroying life and other nature while being lied to by news and lulled by market forces.  The veteran killer of new years day was an example of the most extreme outcomes of training people to kill, against most human impulse or wishes, leading to far more crimes less horrible than his but equally the outcome of degenerate teaching of anti-humanity to human beings taught to believe it is supposed to be normal if not heroic to murder people. The situation grows more dangerous for humanity and not just the imperial west currently falling apart under the fading control of America due to the imperial military power of a mass murder machine more dangerous than ever before. In fact, many who claim expertise in knowledge of nuclear capabilities claim the danger of a nuclear holocaust is greater than ever before.


Meanwhile, innocent millions blame other innocent millions for the horror threatened by a tiny percent of humanity: the ruling class powers of international capitalism, head quartered mostly in The U.S.A.


The world is changing rapidly and a new global order is being born among the majority of humans on the planet who are learning to work together to bring about a truly new world no longer under the murderous domination of any imperial power, As citizen consumers who sustain that power we have the greatest responsibility to join the human race – the one and only race despite fictionally created alleged “racial” differences among us – and join the majority in creating a democratic global population before our tiny minority destroys all of us. Capitalist private profits for some need to come after, long after the assurance of public good for all. Happy 2025?


Monday, January 20, 2025

How To Raise Public Confidence In Science

"Take private profit out of the picture and replace it with public benefit, engage science without lawyers and maybe create drugs safe for almost everyone. And if I get sick from a drug spare no expense at finding one that will make me better. If I drop dead, apologize and see to my family's survival without me."

                                                ----Frank Scott


Amen to the above, a far more sensible reaction to Covid than extravagantly emotional insistence that the virus was part of a deliberate plot to impose a universal police state. The idea that, except for "dictator" Anthony Fauci, one might have enjoyed full civil liberties while an aerosolized virus killed millions of people around the world would be too ridiculous to refute if the consequences weren't so serious.  Suffice it to say that in the U.S. one could barely feel any authoritarian presence at all during the so-called lockdowns, which U.S. cell phone data show to have barely existed in reality.

The real issue with Fauci and scientists in general is that they, like us, unconsciously embrace the contradictions of capitalism, saying nothing about capital-driven deforestation and factory farming, which sharply accelerate the rate of viral evolution and therefore pandemics. Add to this decades of mostly silence about neo-liberal austerity that saw the U.S. outsourcing the production of N95s, eliminating hospital redundancy, shredding public health budgets and attendant pandemic response plans, and you have the makings of our recent Covid disaster. THIS, not conspiracy theories, is what we should be focused on, much more than the alleged "suppression" of anti-vaxxers, who should be sharply criticized, but not suppressed.

Of course Anthony Fauci had to worry about the public health consequences of idiotic commentary about the virus, lockdowns, vaccines and treatment. The more that ignorant or malicious information spreads and is taken seriously, the more people sicken and die unnecessarily. Without a culture of criticism about how capitalism is a pandemic-producing system, there is not much else Fauci could have done except damage control on the circulation of destructive ideas.

The people who suffered by far the most are the more than a million American dead who only died because capitalism left us unprepared for a pandemic, not those saying "open 'er up!" almost from the moment pandemic response measures were put in place.

The failure to offer replacement income was the biggest problem, not the lockdowns or vaccine mandates.

The way out is what Frank Scott offers in the quote above - a system of public profit, which would eliminate lawyers from the discussion, and more importantly, make "Big Pharma" much more transparent and at least nominally a public institution. 

It will take a long time for anyone ensnared in anti-vax propaganda to see that this is indeed the way out. The problem for them, however, is that the Covid era's sharp spike in excess deaths dates from 2020, when the pandemic hit, not 2021, when mass vaccinations began. Also, excess deaths rose in tandem with case increases throughout the pandemic, not with vaccinations.

What we would need to establish that the vaccines are more injurious than Covid itself is proof of the existence of Covid vaccine injury units in hospitals (with injuries and deaths allegedly in the millions, these units should exist in abundance), an academy of science that endorsed not getting vaccinated against Covid, a professional medical association that said the vaccines were too dangerous to take, a virology or immunology department at a medical research university that recommended remaining unvaccinated, etc. 

None of this exists. 

On lab leak, suffice it to say that among scientists the issue was laid to rest long ago because the facts don't fit the theory, which isn't really a theory but a paranoid obsession.

Extremely improbable, though not outright impossible, a lab escape of the virus would have to have involved two leaks, as there were two lineages of SARS-CoV-2 that emerged. One lab worker would have had to have gotten infected, left the lab, crossed the river, traveled to the Wuhan wet market and infected someone there. Then, on a separate occasion, a different lab worker would have to have repeated this. That two workers could do this without infecting anyone else in the lab or on the way to the wet market is extremely unlikely. Also, it's just weird that a lab leak would produce an epicenter exactly in the place where we would expect an animal spillover to occur. There were far more populated sites in Wuhan than the wet market, and one of those sites should have been the epicenter had the virus escaped or been leaked.

They tested the lab workers at the Wuhan lab for the presence of SARS antibodies and none had them. An Australian scientist who worked at the lab confirmed that no one was sick during the relevant time period. Also, none of the bats used in the lab were found to have had SARS.

There's never been a novel virus leaked from a lab. Also, the genetic complexity of SARS-CoV-2 is a problem. There's no highly similar virus that could have served as a kind of template for creating SARS-CoV-2.

A lab leak represents the idea that Fauci-haters most want to believe, not the idea that best accounts for known facts.



Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Make Mass Murder Moral Again - The Hegseth Circus

"You think we're so innocent?"

                                       -------Donald J. Trump

We at Legalienate were deeply shocked to learn that our country's prospective next "Defense" Secretary (Pete Hegseth) is a philandering drunkard with a poor record at conducting organized bloodletting according to the rules. What is this world coming to when we can't count on our top officials to demonstrate squeaky clean personal conduct while leading us into highly ethical mass slaughters abroad that drain the national treasury and return our sons and daughters to us in body bags? Even when we conduct righteous massacres by proxy, as we all too often do these days, what chance do we have to "Make America Great Again" if we can't have full moral confidence in the top leaders of the Pentagon's world-wide killing machine? 

Equally alarming is the news that Hegseth may not believe women are equal to men in wholesale butchery according to the rules. What impact might this vicious misogyny have on our overall fitness and willingness to engage in mass slaughter? Might it not undermine our national tradition (i.e., "greatness") of filling up graveyards with all those who get in the way of U.S. capitalism promoting a "favorable investment climate," most notably political activists, union organizers, whistleblowers, and environmentalists? One shudders at the mere thought of a loss of American resolve to plunder and murder with abandon.

Not that there hasn't been notable comic relief to the proceedings. A big shout out goes to Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-Oklahoma) for providing a generous dose, pointing out that his fellow Senators are just as guilty as Hegseth regarding infidelity and showing up to work drunk, so what's the big deal? 

A poignant Christian reminder that we're all moral scum, so enough already with waxing high-minded about ethics.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Carter's Egyptian-Israeli "Peace"

The Egyptian-Israeli "peace" that Carter negotiated was the death warrant for Lebanon. By removing Egypt - the strongest Arab military - from the anti-Israel alliance, it guaranteed Israel a free-hand in the North, where the Jewish state had had plans to attack dating back to the 1950s. Once Carter helped secure Israel's southern flank, Menachem Begin was free to attack Lebanon, which he promptly did, culminating in the June 1982 invasion (on a surge of Pentagon arms imports), that devastated that country and convinced a young Osama bin Laden that only mass murder of Americans would ever change U.S. Middle East policy. In his memoirs Born Again Christian Carter described Israel as "ordained by God," while he admitted to having no special affinity for the Arab countries. So he was very much not a neutral arbiter from the start.*

The Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people at the time, was excluded from the negotiations, guaranteeing that peace would not be forthcoming. To retrospectively describe this guarantee of further war as an achievement of peace is revisionist history that does not accord with the facts, though, of course, it does accord with U.S.-Israeli doctrinal fantasies. But we shouldn't be supporting those.

*Golda Meir was amazed to witness Carter's credulous belief in the Bible as a source of historical insight on a visit to the Holy Land in 1973, and laughed right in his face. See Lawrence Wright, "Thirteen Days In September - Carter, Begin, and Sadat At Camp David," (Knopf, 2014) p. 6

For more detail on Carter as president see, "Jimmy Carter Dies, Leaves Horrifying Legacy," Legalienate, December 29, 2004

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Trump Contradicts Himself On The H1B Visa

 "Nobody knows the system better than me. I know the H1B, I know the H2B, nobody knows it better than me. I know the H1B very well and it's something that I frankly use and I shouldn't be allowed to use. We shouldn't have it. Very, very bad for workers."

-----Donald Trump, 2016

"As we speak we're finalizing H1B regulations, so that no American worker is replaced ever again. H1Bs should be used for top, highly-paid talent to create American jobs, not as [an] inexpensive labor program to destroy their jobs."

-----Donald Trump, 2020


". . . we have to have the most competent people in our country. We need competent people. We need smart people coming into our country. We need a lot of people coming in." 

-----Donald Trump, 2024


Source: David Doel, "Cyber Truck Bursts Into Flames Outside Trump Hotel," The Rational National, January 1, 2025

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Jimmy Carter Dies, Leaves Horrifying Legacy

 A pious Sunday school teacher confessing to lust in his heart but swearing never to lie, he came to Washington to reestablish public faith in government just when popular disgust at monstrous U.S. crimes in Indochina had reached unprecedented heights. The big business agenda during his term in office (1977-1981) was to roll back the welfare state, break the power of unions, fan the flames of the Cold War to increase military spending, engineer tax breaks for wealthy corporate interests, and repeal government regulation of business. While portraying himself as a peanut-farming populist, Carter delivered the goods for Wall Street.

Having run as a Washington "outsider," he immediately filled his administration with Trilateral Commission members, hoping that a coterie of Rockefeller internationalists could resurrect the confidence of American leaders and enrich business relations between Japan and the United States.

His Secretary of State was Cyrus Vance, a Wall Street lawyer and former planner of the Vietnam slaughter. Secretary of Defense Harold Brown was Lyndon Johnson's Air Force Secretary and a leading proponent of saturation bombing in Vietnam. Secretary of the Treasury Michael Blumenthal was the standard rich corporation president. Attorney General Griffen Bell was a segregationist judge who disclosed that he would request "inactive" status as a member of Atlanta clubs closed to blacks and Jews [Carter himself stated that housing should be segregated]. Energy coordinator James Schlesinger was a proponent of winnable nuclear war. Transportation Secretary Brock Adams was a staunch proponent of Lockheed's supersonic transport. National security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski was an anti-Soviet fanatic who said in an interview with the New Yorker that it was "egocentric" to worry that a nuclear war between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. would entail "the end of the human race." (Since it was unlikely that every last human being would perish in such event, Brzezinski recommended that critics of U.S. nuclear policy abstain from narcissistic concern for the mere hundreds of millions of people who would.)

In what William Greider, author of Secrets of the Temple (a study of the Federal Reserve Bank), called his most important appointment, Carter named Paul Volcker to chair the Federal Reserve Bank. Stuart Eizenstat, Carter's assistant for domestic affairs said that, "Volcker was selected because he was the candidate of Wall Street." The Wall Street agenda became clear when Volcker contracted the money supply and declared, "the standard of living of the average American has to decline."

Wealth was funneled upward and wages and production declined. Unemployment and bankruptcy rose, unions shriveled and disappeared, Pentagon spending soared. For the first time ever American white collar families couldn't save money. With urban housing costs zooming, workers fled to remote suburbs, but the increased commute expenses tended to cancel out cheaper mortgages. Moonlighting and overtime work increased, but added income disappeared in eating out, second commutes, and hired child care. As the cost of necessities outpaced wage gains, only credit cards could fill the widening gap. Hamburger stands and nursing homes proliferated while well-paid manufacturing jobs fled to the Third World. The workforce of the future was said to be a generation of superefficient robots.

Carter's populist assurances simply whetted the public appetite for this kind of dismal anticlimax. While making a few listless gestures towards blacks and the poor, he spent the bulk of his energy promoting corporate profits and building up a huge military machine that drained away public wealth in defense of a far-flung network of repressive "friends" of American business.

The heaviest applause line in his Inaugural Address was his promise "to move this year a step towards our ultimate goal - the elimination of all nuclear weapons from this Earth." But after his beguiling rhetoric faded away, he embarked on a program of building two to three nuclear bombs every day. Although he had promised to cut military spending by $5 to $7 billion, he decided to increase it after just six months in office, and his 5% proposed spending increases in each of his last two years in office were identical to those first proposed by Ronald Reagan. Furthermore, having pledged to reduce foreign arms sales, he ended up raising them to new highs, and after speaking of helping the needy, he proposed cutbacks in summer youth jobs, child nutrition programs, and other popular projects serving important social needs. Similarly, though he had campaigned as a friend of labor, he refused a request to increase the minimum wage and opposed most of organized labor's legislative agenda while handing out huge subsidies to big business. He made much ado about "human rights," but returned Haiti's fleeing boat people to the tender care of "Baby Doc" Duvalier, and when a member of the American delegation to the U.N. Human Rights Commission spoke of his "profoundest regrets" for the C.I.A.'s role in General Pinochet's bloodbath in Chile, Carter scolded him, insisting that the C.I.A.'s actions were "not illegal or improper."

Carter came to Washington proclaiming his desire for a comprehensive Middle East peace, including a solution to the Palestinian question "in all its aspects." Yet at Camp David he failed to grasp the root of the problem, let alone propose a mature way of dealing with it. He assumed that Palestinians were anonymous refugees whose nationalist aspirations could be safely ignored. He supposed a peace treaty could be signed in the absence of the PLO, world recognized as the Palestinians' "sole legitimate representative." He offered no apologies for negotiating an agreement that failed even to mention Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights. He did not protest Prime Minister Menachem Begin's presentation of the Accords before the Israeli Knesset as a "deal," one much more favorable to Israel than to "the Arabs." He pretended not to notice that corralling Palestinians into Bantustans was not simply a tactic of war, but constituted Israel's boasted final product of "peace"! Finally, his much praised Camp David accords were the death warrant for Lebanon, as Israel, its southern border secure with the removal of Egypt from the Arab military alliance, was freed to concentrate undivided attention on a long-planned invasion across its northern border. It was this invasion (June 1982) that convinced Osama bin Laden that only mass murder of Americans could ever change U.S. foreign policy.

Carter was effusive in his praise and blind support of the Shah of Iran, who was deeply unpopular in his country due to policies of supermilitarization, forced modernization, and systematic torture. By the time Carter arrived in the White House the Shah's throne sat atop a veritable powder keg. Iranian cities were hideously unlivable with fifteen percent of the entire country crowded around Teheran in shanty dwellings lacking sewage or other water facilities. The nation's incalculable oil wealth reached few hands and a restless student generation had no prospects. The country's bloated bureaucracy was totally corrupt. While Shiite leaders rallied popular support, the Shah's secret police threw tens of thousands of Iranians into jail, the economy gagged on billions of dollars of Western arms imports (mostly from Washington), and Amnesty International speculated that Iran had achieved the worst human rights record on the planet. Meanwhile, Carter declared that "human rights is the soul of our foreign policy," though he added the following day that he thought the Shah might not survive in power, a strange expectation if indeed the U.S. stood for human rights around the world.

After the Shah was overthrown, Carter could not conceive of U.S. responsibility for the actions of enraged Iranian students who seized 66 Americans and held them hostage at the U.S. Embassy in Teheran, demanding the return of "the criminal Shah." (He had admitted the Shah to the U.S. for emergency medical treatment for cancer, thus precipitating the "hostage crisis.") To Carter, Americans were by definition innocent, outside history, and he dismissed Iranian grievances against the U.S. as ancient history, refusing to discuss them. In his distorted mind, Iranians were terrorists by nature, and Iran had always been a potentially terrorist nation, regardless of what they had suffered at U.S. hands. In short, without the Shah, Carter regarded Iran as a land of swarthy and crazed medievalists, what Washington today calls a "rogue state."

Having "lost" Iran, a key U.S. ally in the Middle East, along with military outposts and electronic eavesdropping stations used against the Soviet Union, the Carter administration began supporting Afghan Islamic fundamentalists, not making an issue of their having kidnapped the American ambassador in Kabul that year (1979), which resulted in his death in a rescue attempt. While U.S. officials condemned Islamic militants in Iran as terrorists, they praised them as freedom fighters in Afghanistan, though both groups drew inspiration from the Ayatollah Khomeini, who was, in the eyes of official Washington, the Devil incarnate. In a 1998 interview Carter's national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted that the U.S. had begun giving military assistance to the Islamic fundamentalist moujahedeen in Afghanistan six months before the U.S.S.R. invaded the country, even though he was convinced - as he told Carter - that "this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention." Among the consequences of that policy were a decade-and-a-half of war that claimed the lives of a million Afghans, moujahedeen torture that U.S. government officials called "indescribable horror," half the Afghan population either dead, crippled, or homeless, and the creation of thousands of Islamic fundamentalist warriors dedicated to unleashing spectacularly violent attacks in countries throughout the world.

The list of disastrous policies can go on. For example, Carter continued the Ford Administration's policy of backing Indonesia's occupation of East Timor, which killed tens of thousands of Timorese during Carter's years in office, and roughly a third of the Timorese population overall between 1975 and 1979. In 1977-1978 while Indonesia engaged in wholesale destruction in the form of massive bombardment, wiping out of villages and crops, and relocation of populations to concentration camps, the Carter Administration extended the military and diplomatic support necessary to make it all possible. In late 1977 Washington replenished Indonesia's depleted supplies with a sharp increase in the flow of military equipment (Jakarta used U.S.-supplied OV-10 Broncos, planes designed for counterinsurgency operations) encouraging the ferocious attacks that reduced East Timor to the level of Pol Pot's Cambodia. In a 1979 interview with the New York Times Father Leoneto Vieira do Rego, a Portuguese priest who spent three years in the mountains of East Timor between 1976 and 1979, said that "the genocide and starvation was the result of the full-scale incendiary bombing . . . I personally witnessed - while running to protected areas, going from tribe to tribe - the great massacre from bombardment and people dying from starvation." In May 1980 Brian Eads reported for the London Observer that "malnutrition and disease are still more widespread than in ravaged Cambodia." Relating the comments of an official recently back from a visit to Cambodia, Eads added that "by the criteria of distended bellies, intestinal disease and brachial parameter - the measurement of the upper arm - the East Timorese are in a worse state than the Khmers." Another stellar achievement of the "Human Rights" administration.

Furthermore, during Carter's brief reign he ordered production of the neutron bomb (which his administration praised for "only" destroying people while leaving property intact), endorsed "flexible response" and "limited" nuclear war, lobbied for the radar-evading cruise missile, developed a rapid deployment force for instant intervention anywhere, enacted selective service registration in peacetime, and advocated the construction of first-strike MX missiles for use in a nuclear shell game along an elaborate system of underground railroad tracks proposed for the Utah desert. While lecturing the Soviets on human rights, he escalated state terror in El Salvador, crushed democracy in South Korea, gave full support to Indonesia's near genocide in East Timor, and maintained or increased funding for the Shah, Somoza, Marcos, Brazil's neo-Nazi Generals, and the dictatorships of Guatemala, Nicaragua, Indonesia, Bolivia, and Zaire. He refused to heed Archbishop Romero's desperate plea to cut off U.S. aid to the blood drenched Salvadoran junta, and Romero was promptly assassinated. Furthermore, he said nothing at all when the London Sunday Times revealed that the torture of Arabs implicated "all of Israel's security forces" and was so "systematic that it cannot be dismissed as a handful of 'rogue cops' exceeding orders." And though he presented himself as sympathetic to those who had opposed the Vietnam war, he refused to pay reconstruction aid on the grounds that during the devastating U.S. attack on the tiny country, "the destruction was mutual." (Try arguing that the Nazi invasion of Poland wasn't a crime because "destruction was mutual.")

Carter turned domestic policy over to Wall Street, refusing to increase the minimum wage and telling his Cabinet that increasing social spending "is something we just can't do." According to Peter Bourne, special assistant to the president in the Carter White House, he "did not see health care as every citizen's right," though every other industrial state in the world except apartheid South Africa disagreed with him. He understood that liberals desired it, but, Bourne notes, "he never really accepted it." Instead, "he preferred to talk movingly of his deep and genuine empathy for those who suffered for lack of health care, as though the depth of his compassion could be a substitute for a major new and expensive government solution for the problem." In point of fact, money can be saved under a government funded plan, but Carter was uninterested. He insisted on controlling business costs rather than providing universal coverage, neglecting to note that under Medicare - universal insurance for the elderly - administrative costs were a fraction of those charged under private HMOs.

Carter simply could not comprehend the vast unmet social needs that existed (and exist) in the United States. He thought there was a way to maintain a global military presence, balance the budget, and keep business costs low while adequately meeting social welfare needs via reorganizing programs. When his Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Joe Califano informed him that without increased funding many welfare recipients would be worse off after any reorganization than before, Carter erupted: "Are you telling me that there is no way to improve the present welfare system except by spending billions of dollars? In that case, to hell with it!" In response to a comment that his denial of federal funding for poor people's abortions was unfair, Carter summed up the political philosophy that rendered him hopelessly unprogressive: "Well, as you know, there are many things in life that are not fair, that wealthy people can afford and poor people cannot."

Like political candidates who do their bidding.


Lawrence S. Wittner, Cold War America: From Hiroshima to Watergate, (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1978)

Laurence H. Shoup, The Carter Presidency and Beyond, (Ramparts, 1980)

Samuel Bowles et al, After The Waste Land: A Democratic Economics For The Year 2000, (M.E. Sharpe, 1990)

Peter G. Bourne, Jimmy Carter - A Comprehensive Biography from Plains to Postpresidency, (Scribner, 1997)

Doug Dowd, Blues For America - A Critique, A Lament, And Some Memories, (Monthly Review, 1997)

William Blum, Rogue State - A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, (Common Courage, 2000)

William Blum, Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II, (Common Courage, 1995)

Edward W. Said, Covering Islam - How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World, (Vintage, 1997)

Edward W. Said, The Question of Palestine, (Vintage, 1979)

Robert Fisk, The Great War For Civilisation - The Conquest of the Middle East, (Knopf, 2005)

Helen Caldicott, Missile Envy: The Arms Race and Nuclear War, (Bantam, 1986)

Noam Chomsky, Radical Priorities, (Black Rose, 1981)

Noam Chomsky, The New Military Humanism - Lessons From Kosovo, (Common Courage, 1999)

Noam Chomsky, Towards a New Cold War - Essays on the Current Crisis and How We Got There, (Pantheon, 1973-82)

Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States, (Harper, 1995)

Michael Parenti, Land of Idols - Political Mythology in America, (St. Martin's 1994)

Michael Parenti, Democracy For the Few, Sixth Edition, (St. Martin's, 1995)

Walter LaFeber, The American Age - United States Foreign Policy at Home and Abroad since 1750, (Norton, 1989)

William Mandel, Saying No To Power - Autobiography of a 20th Century Activist and Thinker, (Creative Arts: 1999)

Musk Enrages MAGA Denouncing Racist "Crackheads"; Trump Sides With Elon

Even before even being inaugurated, Donald Trump faces raging internal conflict in his MAGA coalition, especially between Ramaswamy-Musk and the Trump base, who are going to war over immigration.  


The nationalist base does not wish to concede to investor privilege. Ramaswamy, who made his millions as a Wall Street huckster carrying out pump-and-dump stock schemes, believes the U.S. is culturally deficient for promoting mere "normality" over academic and scientific excellence. Musk, an engineer with a talent for exploiting others, prefers to import "top" technical talent, rather than rely on the U.S. labor market. The MAGA base, for its part, wants America First to count for something, especially in employment, as there are plenty of unemployed American engineers who could use the jobs Musk awards to foreign workers.


From a worker standpoint, there is more to be said for the MAGA base side of the argument than for the Musk/Ramaswamy side, which as both Steven Bannon and Ann Coulter have pointed out, is simply a policy aimed at acquiring "indentured servants" by issuing H1B visas (while at the same time operating as a "brain drain" in the countries they come from). Many make substantial salaries (but less than U.S. workers would cost) but they are instantly deportable if they don't please their employers' every whim, a characteristic form of exploitation under capitalism, "populist" pretensions notwithstanding.  


Con-man that he is, Donald Trump has already sided with his tech-bros, saying he likes the H1B visa, which gives special consideration to technically savvy immigrants. However, it is the extra control over the imported talent that matters most, not the technical know-how. All that remains to be done at this point is for the MAGA base to rationalize the kick-in-the-face as somehow consistent with Trump's "populist" essence, as they have done on similar occasions many times in the past. 


The entire discussion bears on assumptions about what constitutes an American. For the Trump base, being born and raised in the image of the European founders of the republic represents Americanism in its purest form and counts for everything. For wealthy elites like Musk and Ramaswamy "excellence" is a distinctively American trait wherever it is found, and legal American visas extended to such talent are merely confirmation of that fact. Not to extend such visas in preference for a consumer culture of mediocrity is, for them, an insult to common sense and a kind of treason to the national essence.


Both groups overlook the possibility that achievement in making the U.S. less horrendously unjust may be the most praiseworthy element of the national character, and one would think we had already conceded this point by declaring Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday a national holiday.

In any event, Musk outlined his feelings about the H1B visa on X:


"The reason I'm in America along with so many critical people who built Space X, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B," he wrote to user Steve Mackey, who had criticized the visa. Overcome by indignation at "ungrateful" MAGA types, he lapsed into a semi-coherent rant: "Take a big step back and Fuck Yourself in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend." Steve Bannon, responding for the base, called Musk a "toddler."


Ramaswamy was more composed, incongruously calling for a culture of excellence from his extra-constitutional DOGE position granted him by the proudly ignorant Trump, world famous for being the quintessential "ugly American":


"Trump's election hopefully marks the beginning of a new golden era in America," he implausibly announced, "but only if our culture fully wakes up. A culture that once again prioritizes achievement over normalcy; excellence over mediocrity, hard work over laziness."


He neglected to mention that Trump's "excellence" is in repeatedly taking companies into bankruptcy for his own benefit, and fomenting sectarian warfare with an unflagging barrage of mental diarrhea that inflames ugly passions and pushes us towards a second Civil War.


If he is to be the measure of our national greatness, he should change his slogan to, "Make America Rubble Again."