How to
Re-Elect Trump and/or Start a Civil War
The moment
this rich, arrogant, egotistical fool – meaning he’s over qualified for the job
– moved into the white house, the ruling class began plans to get rid of him.
Much too blatantly indicative of what America really is to possibly be allowed
to serve as chief executive, they supported impeachment rather than
assassination, since even in their nearly comatose mental condition the rulers
saw the possibilities of murders of Americans by Americans taking on far more
massive than usual numbers if Trump were offed that way. And their employees in
the democratic wing of the party of capital have not only served their
owner-master but tried to go beyond, in the best house Negro fashion of past
slaves with “We’ll get him for you, boss man, just watch us!” servitude. And
after the incredible fiasco of trying to get him on a spy rap for colluding
with Putin, we now have an alleged relationship of traitorous meaning with a Ukrainian
leader, with all manner of alleged-liberal pseudo-progressive excitable bed
wetting threatening DC and its suburbs with flooding dangers not attributable
to climate change.
Trump is
supposed to have urged the Ukraines to investigate Joe Biden, his son, his wife,
or some other members of his family in this fantasy that threatens to make 911
truthers look like masters of logic. Somehow, Trump anticipated long before any
votes were cast that Biden would be his opponent in 2020 – wow, what a great
democracy the party nurtures with the presidential pinhead already knowing the
outcome of the fierce, passionate, dedicated and sacred democratic process by
which all candidates are nominated! – and so urged the Ukrainians to destroy
his candidacy, as only they can. I mean hey, aren’t Americans aware of the
power of that nation right on Russia’s borders and many of whose people speak
Russian and stuff like that? Anyone not aware of the overwhelming power over
our great democracy enjoyed by Russian speaking truck drivers and housewives in
the Ukraine has probably never studied political science in an American college
and then become an advisor to Wall street, Madison avenue, and the Cartoon Channel.
So the party
faithful previously playing it cool when urged to move for impeachment by
applying some small bit of logic, like; you want the other schmuck to be
president? , have now come out from under their political beds and joined the
chorus calling for an investigation of the lack of evidence for the charge of
alleging traitorous treasonous really bad behavior, again, just like with
Russians before and now with Ukrainians, and the rest of the world collapses in
laughter at the crumbling of what passes for leadership in America while also cringing
in fear of what our empire in deterioration might spell for the future of the
planet, let alone Americans. Our citizens chained to their jobs, traffic and TV
sets with little time or energy to notice the first vanishing to part time if
at all, the second getting worse by the minute with more gig workers speeding
about to more part time gigs offering lower pay and no benefits, and the TV
sets gifting them with momentary escape into the dumbest reality shows and
sitcoms to promote shopping for more useless commodities only affordable to a
population dining on steak and salmon on a rice and beans budget with plastic
payments nearing 900 billion and panhandlers begging for visa, amex, discover
and master cards rather than money. Money? What the hell is that? Just charge
it and move on, like the government does to support the military industrial
complex, the Israeli lobby’s desires, and our minority billionaire owners,
their millionaire servants, and global capital. Is this a great democracy or
Meanwhile, humanity’s
most Important Identity Group, that ruling class more recently dubbed a Deep State
by newer critics, has arranged a market approach to the climate crisis that
urges newer and cleaner profiteering to save the planet from older and dirtier
profiteering. And in future all wars will be fought by a gender, ethnic and
philosophically diverse military wearing white gloves while committing mass
murder. Yay. But wait. More attention is being paid the Climate Change Crisis
while global capital, its cause, still remains mostly unquestioned as humanity
is falsely held responsible for creation of the problem while the RC/DS works to
suppresses its solution – democracy - wherever and whenever it rears its dangerous
As in every
other case of a problem needing solution, including this deemed the most
serious ever, there must be private profits available to truly solve it with
even children entrusted to lead as a market force to upbraid their elders and
innocently promote greater investment – private, of course - in the necessary
transformation that will replace some fossil fuel with more renewable energy
but use that energy to create more mostly useless products for consumption in
the private profit creating market which is the bottom line factor in creation
of the problem. This while Trump leads the forces of fundamentalist capital
against the social democratic capital favoring the sanitized version of poverty
and war. But there is now a small but growing group of actual socialists who
need to move quickly and end the façade
of cosmetic change that works to return to a dead past instead of creating a
future of democracy that not only extends to politics but the economics at
their foundation.
While we are
manipulated to support laws that impeach individuals and leave a system intact,
or more commonly charge individuals with something called hate crimes, we are
kept oblivious to a global economy that is one horrendous hate crime, a
malevolent social disease that threatens the future of all humanity. The
borrowing of more artificially inflated money that is then used to purchase goods
and services of materially deflated value can only continue us on the path
towards a fate much worse than financial failure.
reduced to identity-by-hyphenation need to focus on what follows the hyphen
with far more intensity than what precedes it. Divide and conquer politics
distract us from understanding the minority group at the commanding heights of
the political economy, the one which is being bailed out by all the minorities
which compose an unrepresented majority. The now at least partly multicultural
minority at the top, thanks to affirmative action, should demand all our attention. They
amount to a gang of political servants to capital who wear sombreros while
eating lasagna at a gay synagogue in Harlem. And rest assured, they will join
in this impeachment fiasco which could lead to an even worse crisis than the
dangerous one we already experience.
We need to
become a democratic majority to insure our survival, not as cultural
minorities, hyphenated ethnicities or racist subdivisions, but as members of
the only scientifically verifiable identity group in which we all hold
membership: The human race.