Thursday, June 20, 2024

Trans-Class Pride Day

Trans-Class Pride Celebration Planned


By Frank Scott


A spokesperson for Trans-Class-Pride said a massive parade and rally for the hundreds of millions of working class and poor Americans who feel rich but are disrespectfully not allowed to be what they feel is planned for a weekend soon.

“ A day would be much too short for all our members to be able to participate and we may need a week rather than a weekend’ said cis-working class member George Melissa Mulatto who delivers for amazon but feels like the people he delivers to - a member of the upper middle class.


“We are sick, tired and fed up with being denied the American dream and forced to live the American nightmare of the gig economy at best and street poverty at worst” said the poorly dressed but academically rich even though only having been to college to make deliveries and clean toilets spokesperson, whose pronouns are homeless/houseless.


‘When we march together we feel stronger and at peace without seeing therapists which we cant afford or using drugs which we cant afford either.”


“I have a good friend who is a woman with a penis and shim gets to use toilets of shims choosing, play on men’s sports teams and is respectfully treated as trans female. If shim can have their feelings acknowledged why cant we? Just because some of us have no bank accounts is no reason to deny us credit or because we are without wardrobes deny us money for rent. After all, Americans spend billions on our animals and even call them members of our families. Cant we give that much respect to the majority of us Americans who struggle to get by let alone the substantial minority of us who have no shelter and are forced to live under conditions many of us would not tolerate for our pets?

We may no more be middle class than my friend with a penis is an actual female but we deserve at least the trans rights being enjoyed by so many citizens. How about trans class Americans who are possessed of testicles, vaginas, both or neither but nonetheless are members of the human race who deserve at the very least what a tiny minority of us have: equality of transism!”


Congress is considering legislation to ban any public display of trans-classism unless it can be shown that all trans classists are not inspired by Chinese or Russian or Socialist or Communist or Catholic or Jewish or Agnostic or Atheistic propaganda and all have testacals, vaginas, both or neither and firmly believe in the American constitution and the right of people to spend trillions of social dollars on war, hundreds of billions on pets, while poverty, injustice and other marketable commodities remain available to all Americans without discrimination.

 email: Frank Scott writes  political commentary and satire which appears online at the blog Legalienate  





Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Cop City

Cop City



The alleged cost of this training center is put at 90 million dollars which may be the only thing to be critical of, if it weren’t that we spend hundreds of thousands times more money on incredibly bigger threats to all life on earth but especially in the usa. For instance, we spend more than two billion – TWO FRIGGIN BILLION! – every day on what is called a defense budget which is like a rapist defending himself from his victims.


And if this deal better trains police and firefighters to bring more safety to all of us the cost might even be worthwhile. But first the bigger deal, which is making the police the scapegoat for a corrupt, debased, bigoted immoral society that spends trillions for war, billions for pets, leaves hundreds of thousands without shelter and claims world leadership while being the all-time greatest threat to humanity.


Many police are incompetent and need to be replaced, at the very least, but the overwhelming majority perform on the public behalf and just because my neighborhood or yours sucks is not reason to blame that on the police. They are not vigilantes but state employees and unless we transform that state to one that is truly democratic any flaws on them are because we have not yet been capable of changing the murderous state! Police do not create low-income high crime areas, the political economics of capitalism do so and that is what needs to be dealt with.


 Unless you are in the habit of calling Girl Scouts or Black Lives Matter or Catholic Sisters of Charity if your car is stolen, your store robbed, your home burglarized, you hear a gunshot or scream in the night or some other form of what makes American reality for so many (violence, weapons and the profits they create) you are among the majority. We just had a slight decline in the murder rate and that means close to 19 thousand  americans were murdered last year! As long as that is material reality and not some comic book fable should we expect to have a police force composed of choir boys and girls to sing songs of mourning for the bereaved and suffering? What can we expect from professionals hired to protect us from those extremes while also dealing with tons of responsibility for more everyday needs like traffic – where we also kill 100 people on an average day. All of that is next to nothing compared to what we do to people in foreign countries whom we slaughter directly with our own forces or finance governments and militaries owned and operated by American capital and paid for with our taxes.


We are devoting hundreds of billions of dollars to murdering Russians, Palestinians and more, while surrounding Russia and China with our military and navy while screaming about Russian and Chinese threats to us all. Hello? Please, get with reality. Most Americans are served by the police and while too many are abused that happens across the board.  As a small example there are teachers who shouldn’t teach and medical workers who should not attend to illness but the overwhelming majority of teachers and health care workers, like the police, are dedicated and highly competent public servants made to look like lower forms of life by an economic system that rewards theft, murder, violence and contempt for humanity while worshipping weapons and animals.


We need to stop dumping on minorities as being guilty for the atrocity of our society and culture which under minority control thinks far far more of profits and murder than of many of our people, and that is not because of the police any more than our foreign policy of mass murder is all because of evil soldiers. Please face reality and soon and build a better relation between the public and the police rather than become enemy camps as too many seem to support. All Americans will be better served by police who are treated with respect by those who employ them and as long as we tolerate a rich minority who are always served by all facets of the state instead of all of us it is our responsibility to bring about radical change. Meantime, better trained police and firefighters will be beneficial to us all at least temporarily.