Friday, May 24, 2024

The End of Israel or The End of Apartheid?

"George, I think we need to stop talking about a military solution to this problem (Israel-Palestine). As you pointed out, the conditions aren't there for the cessation of military operations. Hamas cannot physically defeat Israel. Hamas can make Israel's life a living hell, and when partnered with Hizbollah's continued activities on the Lebanese border, the Houthis' continued interdiction of Israeli shipping, and the support of other members of axis resistance, Israel has become a nation where the quality of life is no longer worth living. And this is how Israel will be defeated. Israel will be a nation that de-populates itself. Israel will become a nation that nobody wants to be affiliated with, both in terms of potential foreign partners, and Israelis themselves. People who moved to Israel believing that they were moving into the Land of Milk and Honey, to the easy lifestyle, pleasant beaches on Tel Aviv, now know that forever, as long as the Zionist entity exists, it will be a nation in perpetual conflict. It will never know peace. 

"Israel is the worst possible criminal in the world, who has dressed himself up and gone to the party believing that because he wears good clothes and he hangs around with powerful people, that people will affiliate with Israel. But because of Israel's reaction to the Hamas attack of October 7th, the mask is off, and the world is recognizing Israel for the horrific entity that it is. This genocidal nation, not just genocidal leadership, but a nation whose entire existence is premised on the necessity, indeed from their perspective. . . . it's a positive thing from their [perspective], the genocide of the Palestinian people. And one by one by one the people that surrounded Israel, that Israel thought were their friends and allies, are being stripped away. And today Israel stands virtually alone. And it will continue to stand alone, until it no longer exists. And its demise will not be because Hizbollah, Hamas, Iran, or others physically defeated Israel. Its demise will be because the world recognizes Israel as a state that no longer has legitimacy, a state that can no longer exist. And then the Israeli citizens themselves will seek to flee that state. This will take time, but this is the inevitable outcome of this conflict in the Middle East. Israel will cease to exist and the Palestinian state will emerge in its stead."

 -----Scott Ritter, "the prerogative of violence," Mother of All Talk Shows (with George Galloway), May 24, 2024 


"I do think that the Zionist project in Israel and Palestine, as we see today, doesn't have long to live, to exist. I think we are seeing processes, important processes, that are leading to the collapse of the Zionist project. Hopefully, the Palestinian national movement and anyone else involved in Israel and Palestine would be able to replace this apartheid state, this oppressive regime, with a democratic one for everyone who lives between the river and the sea for all the Palestinians who were expelled from there since 1948 until today. I believe that this historical process has begun. Unfortunately, it will take time, and the next year or two are very precarious and are very dangerous. But in the long run, I am really hopeful that there will be a different kind of life for both Jews and Arabs between the river and the sea under a democratic, free Palestine."

-----Ilan Pappe, Democracy Now, May 21, 2024


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