Friday, August 30, 2024

In Bloodshed We Trust

"They wanted to use the prospect of future NATO membership to integrate Ukraine into NATO's military infrastructure, which they've done, on this show (Useful Idiots) we've covered the fact that it only recently got admitted that the CIA has built up bases inside Ukraine since the coup of 2014, so under the guise of giving Ukraine this membership far in the distance, that allows NATO to integrate Ukraine as a proxy without the obligation to defend it, if it gets into a war with Russia, which was the goal, to use Ukraine as bait to bleed Russia. And to bait Ukraine they dangled the prospect of future membership (in NATO). It's the perfect scam for people whose goal is to bleed Russia and possibly overthrow Vladimir Putin. That's what their goal was. And, of course, now it's having its predictable result, where Ukraine is being decimated and has lost one-fifth of its territory . . . . 

"Ukraine is being told it's too corrupt to join NATO, so this is what Ukraine gets for going along with this scam of future NATO membership, it's being told it's too corrupt. 'Sorry, we're going to use you; we're going to not negotiate with Russia, we're going to refuse to discuss the prospect of Ukraine's NATO membership, and then after the damage is done, after hundreds of thousands of people have died, we're going to turn around and tell Ukraine, sorry, you're too corrupt.' And by the way, who's telling Ukraine it's too corrupt? It's President Biden, whose son got a lucrative energy board seat in Ukraine shortly after his father, Joe Biden, helped overthrow the government there. So Joe Biden's now lecturing Ukraine about corruption after using Ukraine for his real goal of bleeding Russia and using it to the benefit of his son, who is now advising Joe Biden to stay in office, even though he can't function." 

------Aaron Mate, "Aaron and Daniel Mate Find Out If Biden Will Run," Useful Idiots, July 8, 2024

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