Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Second Psychiatrist Suicide Rocks Israel

Defense Minister’s Analyst Overdoses on Valium - Wave of “Shrinkicides” Feared

by Michael K. Smith for Legalienation News Bureau

Just one week after Benjamin Netanyahu’s psychiatrist Moshe Yatom killed himself in despair over his failure to develop an effective treatment for the Prime Minister, a second psychiatrist suicide has left Israel reeling.

Yigal Peleg, 61, a colleague of Yatom’s who had been treating Defense Minister Ehud Barak for Security Addiction Disorder (SAD), was found dead at his home in Tel Aviv Monday evening from an overdose of Valium. A suicide note indicated that Yatom’s failure had provoked widespread despair in Israel’s psychiatric community, which fears a therapeutic remedy for doublethink is much more remote than previously believed. Security Addiction Disorder, often characterized by blizzards of doublethink, is also now believed to be well nigh incurable.

The loss of two such highly successful analysts to clinical depression in such a short time has left Israel fearing a wave of “shrinkicides” may be in the offing. Many government officials are currently undergoing analysis, with virtually all of them sporting the same penchant for doublethink that drove Yatom and Peleg over the edge. If current treatments continue to prove ineffective, a psychiatric “Jonestown” could well be the result.

“Laypeople don’t realize the stress involved in treating ideology-induced psychosis,” observes Dr. Rafael Eilam, best-selling author of Zionist Lunacy On The Couch: The Perilous Quest For a Cure (Sanity Books, 2010). “Take Security Addiction Disorder. A client afflicted with this illness simply cannot perceive that domination and security are not the same thing. To dominate another is to guarantee insecurity, since the dominated instinctively seek to escape domination by any means available.” Given the almost total blindness of SAD patients to their own aggression, psychiatrists who treat them often can’t resist impulses to bash their own brains out with the nearest blunt object. This tends to reduce the quality of their subsequent research.

Similar problems confront psychoanalysts treating Massive Attack Disorder (MAD), which is said to be rampant among Israeli leaders. Patients afflicted with this dread disease lack the maturity to understand their own needs, let alone those of others, and destroy everything in their vicinity like a cranky toddler smashing his toys. The illness has a poor prognosis, as victims typically don’t notice that they are worse off in the wake of each tantrum. According to Dr. Eilam, Israel’s savage attacks on Lebanon and Gaza in recent years may be credited to their MAD proclivities, with both attacks having contributed substantially to Israel’s current pariah status.

In a somewhat surprising development, psychiatrists world-wide are rallying to support their embattled Israeli colleagues by forming a Free Israel movement. As their first major action they are planning to sail a flotilla to Tel Aviv loaded with humanitarian relief supplies for Israeli psychoanalysts and their high-profile patients; that is, tons of anti-depressants for the former and elephant tranquilizers for the latter. Flotilla organizers admit that these are only palliatives, but argue that the elephant tranquilizers in particular have been shown to be at least moderately effective in calming the symptoms of Zionist Infantile Outburst Neurosis (ZION), the most serious of which is a chronic impulse to rob, swindle, torture and murder all those who, in the victim’s judgment, which is by definition infallible, impede the onward march to the Zionist paradise.

-----Michael K. Smith is the author of "Portraits of Empire" and "The Madness of King George," from Common Courage Press. He can be reached at proheresy@yahoo.com


Anonymous said...

and then try to sell Nuclear Weapons to the nazi regime in apartheid South Africa - but that's ok to kill blacks, as long as they are not against Jews, nazis are fine

Payday loans said...

Wow, one of the best read posts so far.

Captain Zen said...

A pretty hoax I think, wish it was true, well written,
bravo. Worth a read indeed.

Change the view said...

I thought Psychiatrist's delt with Psychopaths in their profession all the time ..... I guess the problems come when they actually thought they could cure them...

They don't have a conscience silly.

Anonymous said...

very good indeed, both posts,

That they (all Zionists) are in need of restraint and psychiatric help is beyond any rational doubt.

Anonymous said...

It is not a hoax. Check on the web!
Excellent articles!! Thank you very much

Anonymous said...

Best article I've read in a long time, really funny but right on the mark. Thanks for starting my day with a smile.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the "psychiatrists" committed suicide to escape the patient.

Flour in Matzoballs said...

A spokesperson for Israeli Defense Minister issued a statement today decrying the accusation that the suicide of psychiatrist Yigal Peleg was related to his treatment of Ehud Barak. In part, the statement said, "Any allegations of widespread despair in Israel’s psychiatric community is false and baseless."

Authorities have ordered a full and impartial investigation to dispel any perception that state sponsored violence and aggression are linked to the rash of psychiatrist suicides. The independent panel's report is expected to be completed in 12-18 months. For security reasons, the findings will not be released publicly. The Executive Summary which conclusively proves the suicides were motivated a desire to spend more time with family will be this published Sunday.

Dr. Isaac Chelm, publicist for the Israeli Psychiatric Association categorized as "false and baseless" reports that Peleg's suicide note said, "God has numbered the days of your rule and brought it to an end; you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; your nation is divided."

the Israeli government's aggression nd announced that it was "cooperating fully" with U.S. authorities.

Flour in Matzoballs said...

A spokesperson for Israeli Defense Minister issued a statement today decrying the accusation that the suicide of psychiatrist Yigal Peleg was related to his treatment of Ehud Barak. In part, the statement said, "Any allegations of widespread despair in Israel’s psychiatric community is false and baseless."

Authorities have ordered a full and impartial investigation to dispel any perception that state sponsored violence and aggression are linked to the rash of psychiatrist suicides. The independent panel's report is expected to be completed in 12-18 months. For security reasons, the findings will not be released publicly. The Executive Summary which conclusively proves the suicides were motivated a desire to spend more time with family will be published Sunday.

Dr. Isaac Chelm, publicist for the Israeli Psychiatric Association categorized as "false and baseless" reports that Peleg's suicide note said, "God has numbered the days of your rule and brought it to an end; you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; your nation is divided."

Anonymous said...

someone ought to kill Nuttyahoo himself, that dirty fagot.

Anonymous said...

Great stuff


Noor al Haqiqa said...

The first Psychiatrist Suicide did not make me smile. It was just too close to reality for my sense of humour. Besides I was freshly dealing with the cede of Arizona to Mexico and my funny bone was temprarily cracked.

But this piece is just perfect. A few parts made me actually laugh out loud with a gut laugh. WOW that is so rare! Thank you so very much.

Sadly, Mr. FlourinMatzos brought me back to earth again in was was also hilarious but in this case once again, too close to reality.

I cannot count how many times I have observed these clownish spawns of Hell and responded with, "This would be hilarious if this were not real".

I want to hear how Avignor Lieberman fares. I am sure his shrink is a Settler rabbi Russian with an entirely different approach to his patient.

Anonymous said...

They both knew too much. What are the odds of 2 men with this much inside knowledge both conveniently killing themselves within a week? They were forced to write those notes or their entire families would have been murdered and ruled a murder/suicide. They are martyrs in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

come on ,this must be bullshit ??

Anonymous said...

Israel apotheosized Targeted Killings, of which these two are prime examples. They simply knew far too much and were getting ready to leak.

Suicides, my a$$. Books by professionals about the intimate secrets of top zionist officials would definitely be considered a national security threat by Israel.
SUICIDED is more like it. More hasbara. The Talmud is based on institutionalized pathological lying and dysfunction, so its adherents killing and lying should be no surprise.

GrotGuts said...

This article has been hoasted by a few websites already within a Parody category. Still a good read though.

Psychiatrists suiciding over a condition called SAD and MAD... and it seemed to make some people GLAD.

Barack Mugabe said...

Well, at least there’s some good news for the Chosen Chiselers. Alan Dershowitz has stated on CNN that “the 2 psychiatrists in question were ‘self-hating Jews’ and therefore their deaths were more of a minor nuisance than a tragedy,” and that overall, the 2 deaths were good for the Jews.
Seriously, this piece and the last one are works of near-genius. Thank you for the laughs!

Anonymous said...

If psychiatrists try to treat a behavioral disorder, they can't use therapy. It won't work. They must use behavior modification. That's why these psychiatrists are failing to make a dent in these leaders' disorders.

Jens said...

Excellent article, great. Worth a read indeed.

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