Following are excerpt's from Obama's speech to young Israeli Jews, followed by Legalienate efforts to translate the ideological distortions into standard English.
"It’s a story (Israel's) about finding freedom in your own land."
Israel was founded mostly by Eastern European Jewry colonizing and displacing a large indigenous Arab majority. So Israel is really a story about eliminating freedom in someone else's land (the Palestinians').
"For the Jewish people, the journey to the promise of the state of Israel wound through countless generations."
Not really. The modern Zionist movement began a little over a century ago. Zionist myth-makers love to draw a straight line from Biblical Israel to today's Jewish-supremacist state, blurring distinctions between Hebrew, Isrealite, Judean, Jewish, and Judaism. But this deliberately obscures the reality that those were different people from different times of history with different ways of life.
"Israel has achieved all this even as it’s overcome relentless threats to its security, through the courage of the Israel Defense Forces and a citizenry that is so resilient in the face of terror."
How much courage is involved in massacring civilians? This is what the IDF is famous for. And just why are there "relentless threats" to Israeli security? Because Israel is an apartheid state founded on the land of the Arabs it tortures, murders, and despises. How can there NOT be constant security threats when that is the case? As for Jewish "resilience," wouldn't a better word be "blindness?"
"Israel has built unbreakable bonds of friendship with my country, the United States of America."
The bonds are of power and wealth, not "friendship," and they link elite groups in the two countries, not the general populations. Organized Jewry would like us to believe otherwise, but there is no evidence that the American people are in love with the Jewish state, in spite of constant propaganda to that effect pouring through virtually every media outlet in the United States.
"When I consider Israel’s security, I think about children like Osher Twito, who I met in Sderot. (Applause.) Children, the same age as my own daughters, who went to bed at night fearful that a rocket would land in their bedroom simply because of who they are and where they live. . . those children deserve to sleep better at night."
Security is a buzz word for Jewish domination. There is no reason one should expect to have security if one is dedicated to subjugating others, as Israel is. Secondly, the implication of Jew hatred in Obama's comment here is false. Israel has repeatedly invaded Lebanon, massacring thousands of civilians, and the few rockets that have hit Israel are entirely a result of that repeated aggression, not hatred for Jews per se. If Israel renounces terror and aggression its children will be able to sleep peacefully. But Obama is not calling for that.
" . . .we have stood up for Israel’s right to defend itself. And that’s why Israel has a right to expect Hamas to renounce violence and recognize Israel’s right to exist."
In point of fact, the U.S. has stood up for Israel's presumed right to commit endless acts of terror and aggression, which is illegal under international law. Obama is here calling for Hamas to renounce its right of self-defense, which is an unalienable right of all peoples. As for recognizing "Israel's right to exist," there is no right to exist for any state under international law. States exist, and have certain non-exclusive rights, but no state has a unique right to continue existing forever, which is what Israel is demanding.
" . . .every country that values justice should call Hezbollah what it truly is, a terrorist organization."
Hezbollah is a legally elected political party in Lebanon, entirely legitimate, and its "terrorism" is defensive. The real terrorism is carried out by Israel and the U.S., and on a scale that vastly exceeds anything Hezbollah is capable of.
" . . .the world cannot tolerate an organization that murders innocent civilians, stockpiles rockets to shoot at cities and supports the massacre of men and women and children in Syria right now."
Standard Jewish supremacist propaganda aimed at yet another U.S.-sponsored regime change in the Middle East. Has that worked out well in Iraq and Libya? Obviously not. By the way, if murdering innocent civilians, stockpiling lethal weapons, and massacring men, women, and children is wrong, then the U.S. is the most objectionable state on the planet, and by a wide margin.
"The fact that Hezbollah’s ally, the Assad regime, has -- has stockpiles of chemical weapons only heightens the urgency. We will continue to cooperate closely to guard against that danger. I’ve made it clear to Bashar al-Assad and all who follow his orders: We will not tolerate the use of chemical weapons against the Syrian people or the transfer of those weapons to terrorists. The world is watching. We will hold you accountable."
Here Obama is playing ventriloquist's dummy to Netanyahu, and with little originality. Pre-invasion Iraq, too, was said to have chemical weapons, and they never turned up. But no matter. The point of such remarks is to generate fear and hatred, which can then be used to support another Middle East war for the benefit of Israel - paid for by the U.S. taxpayer, whose living standard is in steady decline.
"Those who adhere to the ideology of rejecting Israel’s right to exist -- they might as well reject the earth beneath them and the sky above, because Israel’s not going anywhere."
Maybe not, but who wants to live in the lunatic asylum Israel has become? The constant topic of conversation is war. Should we bomb Iran? Incinerate Lebanon? Exterminate Gazans? The great project of "in-gathering" Jews from around the world has gone into reverse. More Jews are leaving than arriving. Is that what the great dream of a Jewish state was supposed to achieve? Hardly.
"The Syrian people have the right to be freed from the grip of a dictator who would rather kill his own people than relinquish power."
The American people have the right to be freed from the grip of organized Jewry, which would rather kill every last Gentile than live in peace.
"Iran must not get a nuclear weapon. This is not a danger that can be contained -- and as president, I’ve said all options are on the table for achieving our objectives. America will do what we must to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran."
"All options are on the table" means the U.S. is willing to initiate a nuclear war to appease the Israel fanatics. There is no evidence Iran is trying to get a nuclear weapon. If it in fact gets one, it will be used for deterrence, to prevent another Iraq war, which would be far more destructive than the 2003 invasion was because Iran has substantial retaliatory capacity, even without a nuclear weapon. This is precisely what Israel objects to: the deterrent effect of an Iranian bomb on Israel's constant terrorism and aggression.
"Israel cannot be expected to negotiate with anyone who’s dedicated to its destruction . . . I genuinely believe that you do have a true partner in President Abbas and Prime Minister Fayyad."
Translation: negotiations are needed, but only with the lap-dogs of imperialism that we install and support. That way we can control where the negotiations end up. But it's meaningless to negotiate with people who don't pose a threat. Those that threaten us are precisely the people we need to come to terms with. That is, if an end to violence is really our objective. But in Israel's case, it's obviously not.
Obama's kowtowing to organized Jewry's racist pre-occupation with ridding Palestine of its Arab population is a disgrace, sort of like endorsing Bull Connor's efforts to keep Birmingham all white. Whenever we hear the word "demographic threat," this is what we should remember. For Israel to surrender some fragment of Palestine it doesn't want to a "Palestinian state" is like the U.S. conceding "independence" to the South Bronx because of the "demographic threat" of so many blacks and Hispanics living there. It's racism pure and simple, and a stark rejection of the values of the civil rights era Obama claims to represent.
Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels,With Aid From C.I.A.
Free Syrian Army fighters
inside a house in Aleppo last week. The United States has been helping
Arab governments and Turkey send arms to the rebels.
With help from the C.I.A., Arab governments and Turkey have sharply
increased their military aid to Syria’s opposition fighters in recent
months, expanding a secret airlift of arms and equipment for the
uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, according to air traffic
data, interviews with officials in several countries and the accounts of
rebel commanders.
and then:
and then:
In ‘Spirited’ Talks, Kerry Tells Iraq to Help Stop Arms Shipments to Syria
Pool photo by Jason Reed
Secretary of State John Kerry meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, center, in Baghdad on Sunday.
BAGHDAD — Secretary of State John Kerry told Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, the prime minister of Iraq, on Sunday that Iraq must take steps to stop Iran from shipping arms to Syria
through Iraqi airspace. But an hour and 40 minutes of discussions here,
which Mr. Kerry said were sometimes “spirited,” failed to yield a
breakthrough on the issue.