Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Vance Wins Vice-Presidential Debate, American People Lose, As Both Candidates Love Bloodthirsty Israel More Than Them

 J. D. Vance won the vice presidential debate against Governor Wals, while the American people lost, and right from the start.

After a year of watching Israel exterminate Palestinians in Gaza on our live feeds while also attacking Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and the West Bank, the first question asked at this "thoughtful and civil" vice-presidential debate (moderator Margaret Brennan) was, "Does Israel have a right to pre-emptively strike Iran?"

Of course, Israel has already attacked Iran by bombing its Embassy in Damascus, followed by further bombing raids inside Iran itself, while also massively expanding its zone of attack to include by now virtually the entire Middle East, which is increasingly united against the openly rabid Jewish state. Given all of this, one could certainly wonder whether "pre-emption" at such a late date is even a meaningful term.

Nevertheless, Wals said - incredibly - that a further Israeli attack on Iran is justified in "self-defense," while Vance declared abject moral surrender and left the matter entirely "up to Israel." Who says the two official parties are too polarized to come to agreement?

Naturally, the American people come out losers in this bargain, as all they get is to keep paying Israel's hefty bills while risking another 911.

Vance won the debate based on his discussion of the economy, always an important factor in determining electoral contests. No matter how much Democrats offer in the form of child tax credits, paid pregnancy leave, and free school lunches, it's not going to mean much if more and more key production is off-shored and an abundant supply of crap jobs and "gigs" is all they offer to replace the industrial era's full-time job with good wages and benefits. That leaves them completely open to a Make America Great Again sales pitch, since many people can remember - or at least know other people who can remember, a time not long past when ordinary people could buy homes and go to the doctor and take a paid vacation every year, which they now no longer can. Vance is hampered by the fact that Trump did not deliver on reversing outsourcing when he was president, but at least Vance's diagnosis is right, whereas Wals's very definitely is not.

Also, championing abortion looks more sinister when the Democrats continue to support economic policies that keep average real wages stagnating or declining for a large majority of the population, which induces more and more women to abort rather than start families. Unplanned pregnancies don't have to be an economic disaster, as they are typically described by abortion defenders, but many of them unnecessarily and inevitably will be if we continue to march under the job-exporting banner enthusiastically favored by Democrats.

Let's have a real "pro-life" culture, with dignified jobs at good wages for all who want them and access to abortion for all who need them.

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