Monday, September 9, 2013

Heart,Head and Ball Breaking Bulletins

Congress Demands Obama Dress According To His Mental State And Wear Propeller Beanie When Pleading For Syria Attack

Kerry Wears Baby Bib to Catch Foam and Drool While Calling For Aluminum Cone Caps To Be Worn by Overwhelming  Majority of Citizens Who Oppose Syria Attack

Feminist Killer Kaucus At State Supports Attacks on Syria, Iran, China, Russia, Brazil, India, Egypt, Zimbabwe, Venezuala, Bolivia and New Jersey and Charges Hate Crime For Being Called Twat-Brains by Congressional Dick-Heads

United Nations Sites France as Major Lapdog, England as Minor Pussycat and Israel as Colossal Knockwurst During Worst USA Regime Posing-As-Mental-Health-Crisis-Center-During-Full-Moon Experience Since Last One

Global Community Laughs, Winces, Cheers, Fears, Gloats and Gulps as Multi-Cultural Affirmative Action Leadership Group In USA Proves All Murderous Morons Are Created Dangerously Equal

Stay Tuned, Take Cover, Watch Out For Drones, and Impeach Them If/When They Appear


Anonymous said...

Hysterical, Frank. It needs to be on one of those Facebook mimes going around. Someone should make a picture, post these words then spread it all over the internet cause it says it all. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hysterical, Frank. It needs to be on one of those Facebook mimes going around. Someone should make a picture, post these words then spread it all over the internet cause it says it all. LOL.